I've been pretty much absent for the past month or a bit longer. Life has been crazy, but most of it I brought on myself. In addition to the standard Spring / Summer chores around Casa Bianca, I've done two major fabrication projects back to back: the hybrid Santa Maria grill for Jed and a new smoker for Tracy and I. Add to that a trip to FL in between the two projects and I've just been totally out of commission for much of anything else. I know I have missed responding to a ton of great threads by my extended SMF family and for that, I apologize. I've been able to read most of what's been posted but just no time to reply. The new smoker was completed a couple days ago, the initial burn-in done, and today will be the inaugural run with a rack of massive beef chuck short ribs. It's probably way late to try going back and finding all the threads I've missed but hopefully I'll be able to stay on top of things forthcoming. So many of us here have always supported each other, laughed, joked, and shared fantastic meals. I just feel as though I've let my "family" down recently. I'll try to do better.....