My fridge project.....

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Original poster
Jan 30, 2011
Here's a couple pics of my freezer project. Have to love that spray poly-foam insulation crap! Next step bracing and insulation.....will keep you updated!
Looks like a great project
I must agree, very nice start. Was it tough to get the inner lining out to get at the foam?

I was planning the same thing but after looking at the shape of the one I got, I think I am making a change of plan now. After many hours doing and redoing in cad, I think I am going to build a stumps clone from scratch and use my freezer for dry storage. I think if I do it right I can store everything I own for smoking inside and lock it even.
Well, the foam smokes at a low temp and puts off some really toxic looking crap.......bad juju!!! So far as replacement, I've studied up on rock wool or mineral insulation and found it to be very good stuff but not cheap. I read about a guy who used fiberglass insul.(pink stuff) and it didn't burn or melt until it hit a fairly high temp. so I need to find good tech. info first and go from there. I'm looking into cement board also but don't really know all that much about the stuff.

      Removal of foam........pry-bar for scraping, wire wheel on drill for the tight spots, and a good radio for inspiration
It went easier than I thought but still a pain. I'm really excited about the next phase, a little more creative than foam duty...I will keep y'all posted..BK is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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