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Foamheart your hilarious. Moikel, I'm just building a smokehouse using no wood so no chance of fire and should last a really really long time.
Ok pulled off forms and pipe fitted up furnace control valve with my additional safety valve.
Will try to post materials list when done:) disclaimer : wiring is dangerous do not mess with it if your not knowledgeable. Alright, base wiring schematic, an auber instrument pid 2362 as a thermal overheat cut off, primary smoking and temperature control with the auber smd-100 and a power loss relay along with a relay to turn standing pilot off when complete cycle and turn on a light in the house when done. Hope it makes a little sense. Informational purposes only, not responsible for your stupidity, no warranties expressed or implied.
ElginPlowboy, That is a beautiful smoke house, Pretty much what I want to do, Cold and Hot smokes and do a 100 or 2 lbs of sausage. Would I be able to PM you with a few questions? You have answered a few with the great progress pictures of your build. I have been thinking of trying wood fire, but unsure if that will give me the heat I will need when I need it, So I was thinking of going gas or electric in addition or as main. We have some cold winters up here where we live. That is a Top notch smoke house. Charlie
Pm me anytime. Too big for electric. Gas for sure unless u go smaller. I use wood on outside to pipe smoke in and pid controlled gas burner to control temps. Wood only outside for heat would be hard to get up and control temps. Adding a fan for some better circulation during cook cycle to keep temps a little more even.