So he's telling you the same thing but can't respond to any of my emails, huh? Be warned, I ordered an
AMNPS and was advised the same thing by Todd. I ordered the tube as advised and had a flare up the first time using it that was quite high for an extended period of time. I used the tube exactly as instructed and followed all instructions carefully and still had it flare up. I emailed him several times in the emails that he was sending to me so it's not like he didn't get them and he has yet to respond to my attempts to contact. Who knows, maybe it's a simple fix but the lack of customer service isn't setting too well with me and as such I'm unable to suggest anyone else spend their money with him. Hopefully you have a better experience but I'm not overly impressed right now and am biting my tongue from launching a full negative marketing campaign. It's been nearly 2 months now so I'm not sure how long I'm expected to wait but my patience for this situation is quickly dissipating.