Meat probe resistance value

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Original poster
Dec 2, 2021
I am new to this forum but time has come to do some massive maintenance on my MES 40 20070512 which I saw somewhere had a recall about ten years ago for fire hazard reasons...great. Anyway, Masterbuilt has been zero help with specs, and many of the parts are getting hard to find for this model. They seem to want to forget they ever made this heap. While I have seen some very helpful work / builds out there, most people don't give a lot of details or they conflict wildly.

Just in case this is helpful to some of you... the meat probe resistance after I noticed temp was off by +90°F was about 28KOhms. Still haven't confirmed whether the meat probe or the oven probe is in error. The probe looks like part 9007080006 on the MB site, but their support won't even confirm if that's the right part for 20070512 much less give me the expected resistance. Their online help request widget doesn't even allow 20070512 as a choice! Also, the manual conveniently avoids giving a part number for the probe. It's almost like they are running a racket. I found a rare example on eBay of a replacement probe that looks like the same one. The resistance is 51KOhms out of the package, so I'll proceed with thinking that's the issue.

But in anticipation of scooping up all the proper parts I can for this beast before they all go over the event horizon... can anyone confirm this is the correct resistance (50K @ ~70°F) for the 20070512 or similar XXXXXX12 models, or is expected for the 9007080006 part? or even that this is the correct probe?

Also, if anyone could give me ANY of the resistance values for their Masterbuilt meat probes with model and part numbers, and/or also the oven probe value and part number for 20070512 or for your model. I'm not even sure whether my unit uses a thermistor or thermocouple device for the over sensor.

For example, could anyone confirm this is usable for 200701512 - looks like the right cabling - most don't.
BOB's OEM Replacement for Masterbuilt Digital Smokers Temperature Sensor PM430
So... thanks ahead of time.
FYI I am contemplating a complete retool of the smoker and controller with a custom PCB / PIC microcontroller along with the most stable, cheap, easily available components I can find (probes, heating elements, relays, power supplies, bluetooth/wifi/RF modules, latches, hinges, etc.) but using the same control panel and case so externally it doesn't look like a hatchet job. With your help, I'll gladly share my results or make you a workable PCB (with your measurements) if you'd like. If anyone has the ability to fab / construct your own smoker body/case I'd love to join forces - I don't have access to a workshop right now or else I'd just do a complete build. I'm thinking of something totally radical, like building the smoker body out of polyimide or PEEK sheets making it totally disassemble-friendly. Screw all this metal rusting out crap! Anyway... looking forward to your advice or input.
I don't think anyone ever decided whether the Masterbuilt uses RTD or Thermistor probes. Most likely Thermistor as they are cheaper and mass production is always about cost.
Every thermistor has a different curve and the controller has to be programed with a matching algorithm to match that curve. Therefore knowing a resisitance at a given temp is totally useless without knowing which thermistor you have and the curve for that model.
If it were an RTD, things get much easier as they have a standard fairly linear response industry wide

IF the seller is being truthful and those are for Masterbuilt I would guess they are the right ones. Universal parts are key to mass production.

Beyond the question of right part, there is the issue of installing them. You may have to completely disrobe the unit to route the wires, then fight it back together. All this to put it back to they way Masterbuilt built it, which is minimalistically functional and you get to continue to chase Masterbuilts shortcomings. Sounds a bit masochistic to me.

For these reasons and more, most opt to convert to PID and not look back. Some have even opted to hard mount the probes to the cabinet rather than just drop them thru the vent.

The choice is yours, but I would suggest the PID
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The independent multiple probe digital therms you can calibrate in boiling/ice water and with a range to alert you when the pit is too high or low vs the thermal safety disk switch that just opens the circuit when it fails and you walk out to a cold smoker or one on fire is key especially for night smokes. When I did the Auber plug and play PID on my Mes 40 I just cut off the meat probe cord since I have five more that are all calibrated, reading the same temp on my 6 probe digital therm. I'd rather replace those if necessary vs the terrible MB stock meat probe. Plus, I wanted the PID to come inside, unplugging everything in ten seconds and getting it out of condensing humidity etc when not in use with electronics with no conformal coating to protect the PCB traces and components. With my other Mes 30 I bring in the stock controller as well. The only thing staying outside are probes and the element under a cover.

Once you have a PID then Finding an all SS Mes on FB Marketplace etc is pretty easy. The Mes 30 above with the stock controller was free. Lots of Mes 40's are inexpensive there when people considered them dead and yours for the picking.
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I am new to this forum but time has come to do some massive maintenance on my MES 40 20070512 which I saw somewhere had a recall about ten years ago for fire hazard reasons...great. Anyway, Masterbuilt has been zero help with specs, and many of the parts are getting hard to find for this model. They seem to want to forget they ever made this heap. While I have seen some very helpful work / builds out there, most people don't give a lot of details or they conflict wildly.

Just in case this is helpful to some of you... the meat probe resistance after I noticed temp was off by +90°F was about 28KOhms. Still haven't confirmed whether the meat probe or the oven probe is in error. The probe looks like part 9007080006 on the MB site, but their support won't even confirm if that's the right part for 20070512 much less give me the expected resistance. Their online help request widget doesn't even allow 20070512 as a choice! Also, the manual conveniently avoids giving a part number for the probe. It's almost like they are running a racket. I found a rare example on eBay of a replacement probe that looks like the same one. The resistance is 51KOhms out of the package, so I'll proceed with thinking that's the issue.

But in anticipation of scooping up all the proper parts I can for this beast before they all go over the event horizon... can anyone confirm this is the correct resistance (50K @ ~70°F) for the 20070512 or similar XXXXXX12 models, or is expected for the 9007080006 part? or even that this is the correct probe?

Also, if anyone could give me ANY of the resistance values for their Masterbuilt meat probes with model and part numbers, and/or also the oven probe value and part number for 20070512 or for your model. I'm not even sure whether my unit uses a thermistor or thermocouple device for the over sensor.

For example, could anyone confirm this is usable for 200701512 - looks like the right cabling - most don't.
BOB's OEM Replacement for Masterbuilt Digital Smokers Temperature Sensor PM430
So... thanks ahead of time.
FYI I am contemplating a complete retool of the smoker and controller with a custom PCB / PIC microcontroller along with the most stable, cheap, easily available components I can find (probes, heating elements, relays, power supplies, bluetooth/wifi/RF modules, latches, hinges, etc.) but using the same control panel and case so externally it doesn't look like a hatchet job. With your help, I'll gladly share my results or make you a workable PCB (with your measurements) if you'd like. If anyone has the ability to fab / construct your own smoker body/case I'd love to join forces - I don't have access to a workshop right now or else I'd just do a complete build. I'm thinking of something totally radical, like building the smoker body out of polyimide or PEEK sheets making it totally disassemble-friendly. Screw all this metal rusting out crap! Anyway... looking forward to your advice or input.

Hi there and welcome!

I don't think you will find sufficient answers for the parts you are looking for and for what you want to do.
HOWEVER, as the other guys have posted you can do much much better if you just convert to a PID controller. You do a simple rewire (cut 4 wire ends and splice to make 2 new wires) and then you can pug your MES into a PID controller and it will feed power from the wall to your MES.
The PID has a temp probe you can drop in or mount to your MES and the PID will cut power on/off to the MES to hit and hold the set temp you entered. PIDs will hold dead on or within 1-2 degrees so no more temp swings. You can also calibrate offsets for the temp probe if it isn't reading 100% accurately.

Masterbuilt smoker and meat probes are the worst you may ever seen when it comes to accuracy. Almost all of us MES owners buy a good dual probe (or more probe) digital wireless thermometer with alarms. This solves all the problems and if you get 4-6 probes you can measure everything u can imagine and guard against overheating flare ups or power dying to the MES.

Here is a post on how to rewire the MES for us with a PID. The PID will run you about $150 but this is cheaper than a new smoker and it turns your MES into a beast! Like converting a golf cart into a Ferrari :)

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