Lake Trout, Walley and Norther Pike

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Oct 26, 2010
Western Nebraska
this was the 1st time smokin fish, from the group of people that have tried it so far, its been a huge hit.

i started with some filleted fish, washed them up and made a brine of 10 cups water, 2 cups light brown sugar, 1/2 worcestershire sauce, 1/2 cup sea salt and 2 bay leaves.  i added all items to a pot of boiling water and stirred in til every thing was dissolved.  than i let it cool to room temp and added to the fish in a seal-able container and placed in the fridge overnight.  every few hours i mixed the brine mix so the fish did not stick together. the next morning i gave the fish a quick wash to get the left over salt off and placed on a drying rack for 2 hours.

i made a make shift drip pan out of tin foil and filled with water under the cooking rack to help seam the fish at the same time and got the coals going at 180 degrees. 


i made a mop sauce using 2 cups of maple syrup, 2 squeezed lemons, 1 squeezed lime, 1/2 stick of butter and 1/2 of a red onion chopped fine.  i mopped and flipped the fillets about every 40 or so minutes.  after 4 hours of being smoked with apple wood, here is the finished result.


i hope my quick, thrown together receipt is as tasty to everyone as it was to me.

Red Neck
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Reactions: mark1
Dear Lord that looks fantastic!!!  Trout and walleye, gotta be good no matter what.  I've never had pike.

Where did you hook into these?  W. Neb has about as much fish'n as w. KS.  Ya gotta sweet spot in CO?

Great pix of some great look'n fish!
actually these are some fish that were caught in north dakota, on a fishin trip that my brother in law went on..we do have stream trout ( rainbow, brook and brown trout ) in our area along with walleye, pike, bass ( large mouth, small mouth, white and striped ) along with a ton of different pan fish also. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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