What better way to kill a Saturday than watching old movies and smoking meat…Right? Did a Kroger run this morning (yeah I know, I spend way too many morning in Kroger). Ran across a 5 pd hunk of eye of round. Thought to myself..”self, that would make some killer Roast beef sammich a la Bearcarver style.” self agreed. And it was in the bargain bin at that. At $15 for 5 pds sounds a a lot better than $15 a pd out of the deli.
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lil worsty sauce as binder, a little of
@TulsaJeff texas rub and some some extra CBP.
ladies at work wanted turkey breast. Over night brine in a turkey brine
@Rafter H BBQ sent me last year in the Christmas x-change. 25 pounds Rinsed dried and heavy CBP for a Texas style smoke.
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into the smoker with a little pecan and mesquite for flavor running 225 degrees with the wireless Inkbird keeping an eye on the EOR. Gonna take it to 145 degrees.
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after a couple of hours in the smoke when the breast get some color gonna foil wrap and butter them til 165 degrees. Following Malcom Reeds instructions on that. Did it this way before with great results.
See ya in a few.