July Heat Wave In Northern Ontario

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Master of the Pit
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Mar 7, 2018
Ontario Canada
The last two days with this heat and humility inside my fridge anything that is cardboard is soaking wet. The fridge cannot keep up with all that moisture. Many businesses in Thunder Bay shut down in the afternoon because it is just to hot for them to work. Their fridges are on over load also. The liquor stores air conditioned beer fridge is a hazard with about a inch of water on the floor dripping from the ceiling. You pick up a case of beer and it almost falls apart from the moisture. Never seen anything like this before.
Forest fires like we have never seen before, towns being wiped out over night from fire. CNN says The world is getting so hot and humid, parts of it will be uninhabitable. If its this bad here in Northern Ontario I sure as hell don't want to move someplace warmer.
Nuttin like havin your glasses fog as soon as you go outside or git out of your truck.
We call it Southern Livin!
I'm used to walking inside the home and having my glasses fog up from coming from cold to heat :)
I have never been one for this kind of heat. Don't get me wrong, love heat but its the humidity that gets me and drags me down to were I do not want to do anything outside.
My brother was a teacher, lived in Freeport Bahamas for 14 years. I spent many months down there and it was hot but not like this. Been looking for a igloo to buy. LOL
The humidity has been really taxing. A/C hasn't been off for the past 2 weeks. My electric (hydro) bill was down the past month, but it will not be pretty next month. The garage fridge and freezer are holding up for now. The freezer needs a complete defrost in the near future.

I am very tired of the smoke from the fires when we have NW winds

We 6 days in a row of 108 to 113 degrees, it about killed me.
We had 17 days in a row where the coolest day was 90*, I HATE the heat.
We got lucky this week with 3 days in a row that were 80*, it was amazing. I cut and split 2 cords of hard wood, I have to stack about 1/2 of cord today before we get hot again. I bet our electric bill is over a grad this month, not cool at all.
Ice cold beer, popsicles and fans, saved us, until this heat wave, I've never needed fans while the AC was running.
I HATE the heat!!!!

I don't buy what science says about our weather for one second.
It used to be this hot when I was a kid almost every summer, but I lived in the pool or lake back then.

Stay cool!!!
She spends most of her time on the floor where it is cooler. Funny part is she is such a cling on that when I get up her eyes follow me but she does not move from her cool spot LOL
She weighed in today at the vets @ 80 pounds. Very normal weight for her age and gender.
In my part of the world, it's rain. Rain and thunderstorms. AC doesn't have to work quite as hard, but the wet is insane. I cleaned my vinyl siding this spring, it's already turning green again.

As an added bonus, I thought I was going to leave work on break so I left my truck windows down about 4 inches. It rained about an inch in 90 minutes, and I forgot they were down. Nice sideways rain. The doors don't drain, and they both have a solid inch and a half in the various panels and whatnot. Pulled it into the warehouse and in front of a big fan but that didn't even start to dent it. Now it's running with the heater on full blast lol.

C'est la vie, c'est mal.....
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KBFlyer KBFlyer I'm assuming you don't have whole house A/C?
25 + years ago when I lived in Seattle area we were one of the few houses with A/C as my wife was stay at a home with kids
It's been hot and humid here also. Not quite enough for me to drag the AC units out of storage and run them, but still hot.

In my part of the world, it's rain. Rain and thunderstorms. AC doesn't have to work quite as hard, but the wet is insane. I cleaned my vinyl siding this spring, it's already turning green again.
This is exactly the type of weather we've been experiencing. I've done my siding twice also, but some folks in the northeast and Central parts of the state are dealing with what seems like weekly flash flooding. I'll take cleaning my siding over dealing with the after effects of flooding.

We have been in the low 90's in North Central FL. We have storms almost every afternoon but it isn't as bad as you are having. We do have a heat advisory for today but again hasn't been bad.
My advice is stop watching CNN. It’s July and supposed to be hot. Fall and winter will be here soon. Life is short. Enjoy while you can and stop worrying about things you can’t control
No this is not normal for where I live. Our July weather will have a few days that are extremely hot but this year its been going on almost all month. Last winter we had no snow, this is not normal weather in Northern Ontario either. I would rather watch CNN the listen to then BS from FOX news and their click bait news.

Seems every 2 or 3 days we get these warnings now.
All the years I have lived here I have never seen a summer like this one.
I enjoy fishing, golfing and gardening but its just been to darn hot to do any of that this summer.

THUNDER BAY — Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for the city.

According to their meteorologists, a humid airmass is expected to arrive Wednesday, with humidex values of 36 to 38.

Temperatures aren't expected to cool off until Friday when a cool airmass comes through Friday night.

The health risks are greater for older adults, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities or mobility issues.

Environment Canada issued a reminder to drink plenty of water regularly, even before you feel thirsty, to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.

Never leave people, particularly children, or pets inside a parked vehicle.

Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
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It's been hot and humid here also. Not quite enough for me to drag the AC units out of storage and run them, but still hot.

This is exactly the type of weather we've been experiencing. I've done my siding twice also, but some folks in the northeast and Central parts of the state are dealing with what seems like weekly flash flooding. I'll take cleaning my siding over dealing with the after effects of flooding.

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Was in western South Dakota the last few days, even though quite hot some days... like near 100, the humidity was 13% at the time, felt decent! Now back home with same temps and high humidity... really sucks!
But mother nature is gonna do what she wants... can't fight her.

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No this is not normal for where I live. Our July weather will have a few days that are extremely hot but this year its been going on almost all month. Last winter we had no snow, this is not normal weather in Northern Ontario either. I would rather watch CNN the listen to then BS from FOX news and their click bait news.

Seems every 2 or 3 days we get these warnings now.
All the years I have lived here I have never seen a summer like this one.
I enjoy fishing, golfing and gardening but its just been to darn hot to do any of that this summer.

THUNDER BAY — Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for the city.

According to their meteorologists, a humid airmass is expected to arrive Wednesday, with humidex values of 36 to 38.

Temperatures aren't expected to cool off until Friday when a cool airmass comes through Friday night.

The health risks are greater for older adults, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities or mobility issues.

Environment Canada issued a reminder to drink plenty of water regularly, even before you feel thirsty, to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.

Never leave people, particularly children, or pets inside a parked vehicle.

Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Funny, we used to call advisories like that common sense.


When it's hot outside, stay inside, or drink lots of ice cold beer while sitting neck deep in the lake, creek, river, or ocean.

When it's cold outside, put on a sweater and beenie, or stay inside next to the fire.

Man kind is doomed!!!:emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
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I was complaining about our heat wave to a friend, and he sent me this meme a few yrs ago. It didn't keep me from complaining, but it did make me think about how badass our troops are.

God bless all of them!!!
It could be worse, how many boomers and depression babies remember that feeling of pain on the back of your thighs when you got into a car with black vinyl seats in the summer. Talk about the perfect sear.

It could be worse, how many boomers and depression babies remember that feeling of pain on the back of your thighs when you got into a car with black vinyl seats in the summer. Talk about the perfect sear.

Not just vinyl. Black leather did it too. Vinyl did have more of a propensity to hang on to flesh if you tried to move before the sear was nice and crusty on your leg.
  • Haha
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