Smoking Fanatic
I was always in excellent shape until I went to get a physical, the whole kit and kaboodle, when I turned 50. I should have never done that, they just kept finding more things wrong with me. I'm 60 now with a bad back that after 5 years they still haven't found anything that helps. I cut my meds back, as I haven't taken a few of them for the last year or so. I feel better and just try to ignore my back pain. I think I've worn out three heating pads and on the fourth right now. I do take two tylenol and one aleeve every morning, along with a couple presribed meds. If my back hurts later in the day I'll take the tylenol again. If it still hurting, I take a couple shots of moonshine, the sipping kind. If it gets that far I always have a very peaceful sleep that night.