The "poor man's pastrami" and ribs have now been in the Chargriller for 2 hours. I haven't quite gotten the hang of temperature control on this beast just yet - when I went out there after the first hour, the lid thermometer read almost 300F. I closed the intake about 90%, and the temp has leveled off at a more respectable (but still too hot) 245. This will NOT be my finest culinary hour, but hey - mediocre ribs are still pretty darn good, right?
After 2 hours, the beef is at 167. I've got the alarm set to go at 180, and I'm figuring the ribs will be done right around that time, as well - they're darn close now, as it is.
After 2 hours, the beef is at 167. I've got the alarm set to go at 180, and I'm figuring the ribs will be done right around that time, as well - they're darn close now, as it is.