Growing Cherry Tomatoes

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Gone but not forgotten. RIP
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Jul 23, 2008
Fort Worth, Tx.
Very Low on the Glycemic Index are cherry tomatoes, and are a great snack food. Instead of buying them, I'd like to grow them. In large planters from established plants, starting with two to begin with. Any tips?
We like the super 100s .They are big producers. If there are only a couple people eating off of the plants two plants will keep you with plenty of tomatoes. Keep the fruit on the plant until they pop of with just a slight twist just right before they fall off on there own. They are so sweet its almost like candy!
I agree with Sowsage, Sweet 100's are the best. Look into 5-7 gallon fabric pots, I did some peppers and basil in them for the first time this year and the plants seem to love it. I'll be doing tomatoes in them next year for sure.
My favorite after growing a host of the hybrids and heirloom is Sungolds. They are a orange cherry with very full tomato flavor. The plants are indestructible and very prolific producers. It’s the only one we grow now.
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We grow Sun Sugar every year. They are like little candy pops.
Last summer the wife bought four of these planters. One will easily handle two tomato plants.
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I think I've always done Sweet 100's inn the past. What ever the store had out front. They were really good, especially the one from plants the dog "watered".

However, last year my son-in-law did some Juliet (a Burpee brand) cherry tomatoes. They were excellent and very big for a cherry tomato. We're talking 2 bite tomatoes here.
I think I will give them a shot next year.
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One thing I can suggest is using potash when growing tomatoes. I find that makes them great tomatoes and gives a higher yield, when I start seeing flowers I start feeding them potash and reduce nitrogen fertiliser.

For good yield and fruit quality, tomatoes need an ample supply of potassium (potash) which can be supplied with fertilizer, wood ashes and organic matter
Well, and it starts! I got my raised plant bed for my tomato plants to grow in (we have a small dog now, and she loves to stand on her hind feet and attack the TV while watching it, so I needed something to elevate the plants. It is self watering and a perfect birthday present!)
raised bed.jpg

Parked behind my smokehouse where there's plenty of sunlight!

Now, come the end of March, I will get soil, two cherry tomato plants and two cages!
Thank you., Jabiru, for the potash suggestion! I'll be sure to apply it when they flower!
That looks like a perfect tomato growing setup pops, raised and self watering too, keeps it easy.

please post some pics once you get them going.
Will do, plan on it! Ordered cherry tomato plants (3) to be sent after April 17th from Amazon,. and 2 bags of Miracle Gro garden soil, 5 pk of tomato cages, 1 bag of potash fertilizer from Walmart all to be delivered to my front door, eliminating the need to leave the house completely! Should be good to get started! Anything else I should get?
Well, Amazon crapped out, delivery delay until June 16th. Where else is a good place to order the plants (not seeds, too late now)?

Just ordered them from "The Tasteful Garden" for delivery on April 20th!
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The plants were delayed @ no shipping flights until the first week of June, but they finally arrived! My younger son came over and set up the planter tonight, planted them, installed the cages and tied them together for increased stability! 2 plants.


and we will see how the garden grows! I have the potash when they flower.
If the plant is indeterminate it will grow 8 feet tall so it will need more support or a lot of trimming . I grow everything in the ground and use reinforced concrete wire cages that are 7 feet tall and the indeterminate variety grows up and over the top of these cages so I place a T-bar post on it and wire the cage to it so they wont fall over in the wind when they get top heavy. I think all cherry tomatoes taste great ! If you get a determinate tomato variety they will suit those cages you have a little better .
We grow Sun Sugar every year. They are like little candy pops.
Last summer the wife bought four of these planters. One will easily handle two tomato plants.

I'm using those too. I have 4 of them with different veggies in them. The tomatoes and peppers are growing like crazy. The cucumbers. Not so good so far. And I have one with herbs in it. They're growing like weeds! I'll have plenty of basil and oregano for awhile.
tomato plant w pops.jpg

tomato plant 1.jpg

Half way up the 2nd ring! The texas sage is blooming purple too! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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