Hello everybody!! This is my first post but I have been reading this forum for a long time now.
I build my first round offset smoker one year ago more or less. It was very similar to the yoder whichita. I learn how to smoke with it and I have change few things on it trying in order to get the temps down. I know i am no expert building my fires yet but it is very hard to keep low Temps on this pit. I have played with tuning plates but my suspcicious was the fb was set too high, I could be wrong.
So instead of lowering down the FB which was too much work, i set a 0,4 " heat managment plate to reduce the entrance into the cooking chamber and increase my 3" wide stack by 12 "( i should have put wider pipe, that I learned that in this great forum).
My surprise was that I got even temp. without using tunning plates. But i think reducing so much the opening in to the FB as I did it is not good.
Also I made few cuts and changes on the fb box and intakes ir order to have a biger inlet by the coals and good access to clean the ashes.
Just for trying I set a second stack to make the smoker also reverse. this pipe now is 4" wide. And of course a plate below the cooking grate to make the smoke travel. It is not welded it just lays on the barrel. Also i can close from the inside the stacks I want.
Anway now is a frankenstein smoker, And i love it but i wanna make a new sitck burner round offset smoker for a good friend, no reverse.
like my previous one, i will bend steel sheets to make round CC & FB.
cc 25 x 39.3" (the whole 2000x1000x4mm steel sheet)
fb 25 x 19" ( 2000x500mm)
I set the top of the FB at the height of 1/3 of the CC.
there would be two cooking grates.
I wanted to try:
a collector with a 4,7" pipe ( high 30), set at the height of the main cooking grate.
4 square inlets at the height of the coals. giving me in total 20 square inches area.
the opening to the cooking chamber is like a football ball, 17" long by 7" high.
The heat managment plate into the CC has some angle down, i dont know how long will be better. But i will like it to connect at the same level with the tuning plates.
this is the skeetch of my new project. I tried to draw it in inches for you and it was really hard, also I am not to good drawing. the Yellow line would be the cooking grate.
The intake will be have four open squares. not just one like the draw
this is the opening between the CC and the FB
I wanted to try and upper inlet on the FB door facing the opening. Do you think is necessary?
There is 3 inches from the top of the opening to the cooking grate. it is not to closed? Should I low the FB down reducing so the opening.I dont wanna get again a super hot spot on the right of the cooker.
What do you thing about the desing of the collector?
Thank you and excuse my bad english.
I build my first round offset smoker one year ago more or less. It was very similar to the yoder whichita. I learn how to smoke with it and I have change few things on it trying in order to get the temps down. I know i am no expert building my fires yet but it is very hard to keep low Temps on this pit. I have played with tuning plates but my suspcicious was the fb was set too high, I could be wrong.
So instead of lowering down the FB which was too much work, i set a 0,4 " heat managment plate to reduce the entrance into the cooking chamber and increase my 3" wide stack by 12 "( i should have put wider pipe, that I learned that in this great forum).
My surprise was that I got even temp. without using tunning plates. But i think reducing so much the opening in to the FB as I did it is not good.
Also I made few cuts and changes on the fb box and intakes ir order to have a biger inlet by the coals and good access to clean the ashes.
Just for trying I set a second stack to make the smoker also reverse. this pipe now is 4" wide. And of course a plate below the cooking grate to make the smoke travel. It is not welded it just lays on the barrel. Also i can close from the inside the stacks I want.
Anway now is a frankenstein smoker, And i love it but i wanna make a new sitck burner round offset smoker for a good friend, no reverse.
like my previous one, i will bend steel sheets to make round CC & FB.
cc 25 x 39.3" (the whole 2000x1000x4mm steel sheet)
fb 25 x 19" ( 2000x500mm)
I set the top of the FB at the height of 1/3 of the CC.
there would be two cooking grates.
I wanted to try:
a collector with a 4,7" pipe ( high 30), set at the height of the main cooking grate.
4 square inlets at the height of the coals. giving me in total 20 square inches area.
the opening to the cooking chamber is like a football ball, 17" long by 7" high.
The heat managment plate into the CC has some angle down, i dont know how long will be better. But i will like it to connect at the same level with the tuning plates.
this is the skeetch of my new project. I tried to draw it in inches for you and it was really hard, also I am not to good drawing. the Yellow line would be the cooking grate.
The intake will be have four open squares. not just one like the draw
this is the opening between the CC and the FB
I wanted to try and upper inlet on the FB door facing the opening. Do you think is necessary?
There is 3 inches from the top of the opening to the cooking grate. it is not to closed? Should I low the FB down reducing so the opening.I dont wanna get again a super hot spot on the right of the cooker.
What do you thing about the desing of the collector?
Thank you and excuse my bad english.
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