Fresh Pork Sausage (Plus Dessert)
Not my favorite “Smoked” Sausage, but I still love it, especially Air Fried.
We got a Pack of 5 Sausages, which is 16 ounces, so here we go.
While it’s still in the wrapper I stab it like a serial killer, but with a Fork.
It’s much easier & quicker while in the clear wrapper.
Then I spray them real light with Olive Oil (I’ll be switching to Avocado Oil soon).
Then into the Ninja, Set on “Grill”, at 390°, at 10 Minutes.
Then after 4 minutes, I flipped them all over.
After 4 more Minutes they were Done.
Meanwhile Mrs Bear made us some of her “HomeFries”, and I added a Pickled Red Beet Egg to my plate.
Then the next Morning I had 2 Sunny-side Eggs with some leftover HomeFries, and One Sausage for Breakfast.
Then the next night I had some sliced up sausage in a couple of Hot Dog Buns.
I also made some Pillsbury Cinnamon Buns in the Ninja. Set on “Bake”, done in 10 minutes.
That’s it—Thanks for Looking,
One Pound (5 Links) of Fresh Sausage, after poking a bunch of times with a Fork:
In My Ninja Grill @ 390°:
Bear's First Supper, with Mrs Bear's Home Fries & a Pickled Red Beet Egg:
Next Morning's Breakfast:
Closer Look---Note the Double Yolker:
Another Supper with sliced up Sausage in 2 Hot Dog Buns:
Pillsbury Cinnamon Buns made in My Ninja, set on "Bake", done in 10 minutes: (Sorry about the "Shakes")
After applying Icing: