First Run at Concessions

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Mar 23, 2009
So my small town does has had a Fourth of July celebration every year going back, well I'm not sure how many years but it's over 50 for sure. It's not a huge event, but for our little town of 230 ish people it draws quite a crowd. We have all the classic redneck events, like horseshoe pitching, pedal tractor pull, chicken drop, hog wrangling, and so on. The "main draw" during the day is the parade, where everyone gathers along main street and watches as everyone from little kids on bicycles, local fire/police, candidates for the "Royal Court, Shriner's, and whoever else go through and show off. This parade happens at 11 am so there are always local fundraisers there cooking and serving up lunch to make some money for their dedicated cause.

This year I've decided to throw my hat in the ring, and do a little barbecue concession stand of my own. Think of this as a little test run into branching out from backyard cook, to event concessions and possibly catering. I went and paid my dues to secure my spot in the park to sell food, and spoke with the 4th committee. Now I had a plan in mind before I spoke with them. I had priced out, online mind you, what I wanted to sell that day. It was to be a 1/2 lb pulled pork sandwich, dill spear, small bag of chips, and a pop/water for $5 even. I'm not looking to make a ton of money, really just wanting to dip my toe into the concessions world and get some experience. A five dollar price point also allows me to easily, handle incoming and outgoing money quickly. My price for everything mentioned about, not including the extras there will always be, comes in a less than $2. I'm pretty happy with a $3 dollar per meal profit, and it will go towards building my own large smoker if I decide to continue down the path of smokey concession work.

So here's the rub(hahaha not). Come to find out that the town library does pulled pork, and has for three or so years. Now I'm not against doing it, but I'd much rather give the people some more choices for their meal. So I'm left with a dilemma about what I want to serve. Someone suggested I do pulled chicken, which tbh as much as I love chicken, I've never really cared for pulled chicken sandwiches. I considered doing brisket sandwiches, which are always a favorite, the only drawback is the price point on buying brisket. I'd still like to maintain that $2 cost so I can sell at $5, and brisket as we know is a little more costly right off the start. A buddy of mine suggested doing a three rib meal, which I thought would be a nice change. I'm not sure about what style of ribs either backs or spares. Again, I have to do some research on pricing, but here's where I'm currently standing.

I have just shy of a month and a half to not only make my decision on what to serve, but hone my craft with some practice smokes. I only currently have a PBC, so today after turning in my dues I went and stole my Grandpa's smoker away from my aunt and uncles place. I'll post some pictures later of the old beast later today. She's homemade, older than I am, but has cooked a lot of meat in her life. 

So what do y'all think? Any opinions on what I should be serving? Any tips from seasoned concessions/caterers, pitfalls I should watch out for? Oh I forgot to mention, my goal is to shoot for selling about 100 meals. I figure with this number I won't step on any of the other vendors toes, but I can get enough food out there to see some reactions.
You don't like Pulled Chicken but YOU AIN'T COOKIN' FOR YOU! Number One rule in Restaurants/Catering..." Make what your Customer will pay for! " I HATE Liver but we sold a ton in one of the restaurants I worked so I cooked a lot of Liver! If Pulled Chicken will move, as I think it will since folks think Chicken is healthier that Red Meat, I would absolutely be selling it. Another option... I Don't know where you are at but Chuck Roast runs $3.50 to $4.00 per pound.

6oz sandwiches X 100 = 600oz / 16 = 38Lbs Pulled Beef / .5% yield = 76 Lbs Raw Beef X $4.00 = $304 / 100portions = $3.04 per Sandwich plus Roll, Etc. Food Cost will actually be a bit lower if the meat is lean as you will get a higher yield, 60% or so. Take less Profit or raise price to $6.00...JJ 
You don't like Pulled Chicken but YOU AIN'T COOKIN' FOR YOU! Number One rule in Restaurants/Catering..." Make what your Customer will pay for! " I HATE Liver but we sold a ton in one of the restaurants I worked so I cooked a lot of Liver! If Pulled Chicken will move, as I think it will since folks think Chicken is healthier that Red Meat, I would absolutely be selling it. Another option... I Don't know where you are at but Chuck Roast runs $3.50 to $4.00 per pound.

6oz sandwiches X 100 = 600oz / 16 = 38Lbs Pulled Beef / .5% yield = 76 Lbs Raw Beef X $4.00 = $304 / 100portions = $3.04 per Sandwich plus Roll, Etc. Food Cost will actually be a bit lower if the meat is lean as you will get a higher yield, 60% or so. Take less Profit or raise price to $6.00...JJ 
Well the person who suggested the pulled chicken, is a cousin of mine who doesn't know jack about jack, and it was an offhanded suggestion anyway. My disagreement with pulled chicken, is if I'm gonna cook chicken, I want you to know it's chicken. So I've actually added 1/2 chickens to my list of to be priced.

With some quick Sam's Club online price check, going with brisket looks to be a food cost of between $1.78 - $2.31 depending on loss. Half chickens roll in at $2.67, and the 3 ribs depending either baby backs or spares ranges from roughly $2.75 - $3.30.

I really have no issue in raising my prices, it just came out really well with the PP sandwich/chips/drink that I could get my food cost right at $2. That a meal for $5 makes for quick transactions.
If not pulled chicken, what about a smoked turkey leg?
Hadn't even considered turkey legs. They always seem to be pretty good fair food, I'll have to add that to my list of price check.
How about Chicken leg qtrs? They are dirt cheap, and when brine cured have the nice hammy flavor similar to turkey legs at a great price. 

I used to do whole chickens, but quit when nobody touched the breasts and I ran out of the dark meat.

Oh, Ok...That's different. Thought the organizers were pointing you to Chicken. At the price you show Brisket is in line. And them Turkey Legs are really popular at fairs in my area, Best of luck and please be careful. Would not want litigious sick people knocking on your door...JJ
I wasn't able to make it to the next town over today to talk to the local butcher block about what kind of deals he could do for me. Gonna hit him up tomorrow before heading out to stock up at Home Depot on KBB. I'll be asking him for prices for brisket, ribs(backs and spares), turkey legs, whole/halved chickens, and chicken leg quarters.

Also wasn't able to get pictures of the old beast smoker today. About the time I went to do it, it started yea. Seems like the only productive bbq move I managed today was to move two 8 lb pork butts from the deep freezer to the kitchen freezer that I'll be cooking up for Monday lunch.
really, like Chef Jimmy says, cook something that ain't gonna make people sick, an underdone chicken quarter would be death of a concessions career,   my idea would be to cook quick stuff, no more than an hour or two if you cooking on site,  id suggest boneless chicken thighs e.g chicken sandwich on a roll, or some sausage with little grilled pepper and onion on  a roll. with a couple of smokers, you could run several batches through the event.

if you plan on pre-cooking, there would be a need to keep stuff cool and then warm it up quickly.   
Well I made it to the butcher block today and gave them a list of everything I wanted prices on, they're supposed to get back with me next week. Did manage to take some pictures of the old beast, which will be below.

I have no intent on ever getting close to serving anything under-cooked, especially poultry, to customers. Depending on what I decide to cook, if it's a short cook like chicken or ribs I will just start early that morning on site. If it's a longer cook like brisket I will start either the night before, and cooler for several hours before selling, or I will get up in the early AM and start.

As promised, pictures of the beast.

^Warmer Box^

^Rods for hanging ribs^

Quite a rig. Should handle getting started...JJ
Yea, she's a good old gal. If the concessions on the 4th work out, and I decide to do a bigger event in October, I'm probably gonna use the profits to buy a 500 gallon tank and start building a reverse flow.
Your state/local Government allows this with no permits, license, tax id, health inspected kitchen or liability insurance? My kids can't open a Lemonade stand at the end of the driveway without a permit from the township...JJ
Im sure if I decide to do more events, I likely will have to deal with the state. For this, small town 4th celebration, where the other vendors are the public library, the 4th of July committee, and the local Legion chapter, none of that will be necessary. Actually the only vendor that will actually be there that will likely have dealt with any of that is a sno cone truck that drives down from the KC area.

You could say it's one of the perks of being in a nowhere town in a flyover state.
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Some people have nothing to lose, but if you do spend the money and get some insurance.

In St Louis pork steak would be a hit.

I say this is a hobby, if ribs are your best dish make them. If they will not sell at your price freeze them and enjoy them at your leisure.

Pork steak is a delicious piece of meat most people never talk about here in Michigan. I smoke 25+ pork butts a year just for myself, friends, and family so when I buy my yearly pig I have the butts cut into pork steaks for myself. Not sure how they fair at concessions though. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.