The fall mushroons are going to be popping up soon in Indianan has any ever smoked them before. They can be the size of a volleyball,Basketball,or even as big as some pumpkins.Looking for time and temp.I know they are real good when you slice them egg them and roll them in flour them fry them in butter they taste close to a Morel nothing is that good but they are a close second. Thanks
Good luck and Good Smoking
The fall mushroons are going to be popping up soon in Indianan has any ever smoked them before. They can be the size of a volleyball,Basketball,or even as big as some pumpkins.Looking for time and temp.I know they are real good when you slice them egg them and roll them in flour them fry them in butter they taste close to a Morel nothing is that good but they are a close second. Thanks
Good luck and Good Smoking