Dry Cure Vacuum tumbled Bacon works. I've cut curing time from 8-9 days to 2.5 days with a Lance LT-5 variable speed vacuum tumbler (not cheap). After experimenting a few batches DCVT does work to speed up the curing process for us that sell CD bacon.
Sorry I can't give out the cure mix or flavoring measurements as they are proprietary to my bacon business. But, here is the process in a nut shell. The tumbler holds 50 lbs (don't over stuff it). The bellies are halved and rubbed down with curing salts just as I would curing for 8 day. They go in the pot, add flavoring, vacuum to Hg 15-17" and tumble for 3 hours. When tumbling is done they are put in poly bins and kept in the fridge for 2 days. They are firm same an 8 day cure. The texture and flavor profile is the same as 8 day.
Photos are BBQ Bacon getting ready for a 3hr tumble.
Finished Maple/Molasses. Left 8 day - Right 2.5 day. Blind taste test with 15 people the results favored the tumbled or could not tell between the two.