First off made some more AC Leggs breakfast sausage. Man that is good stuff. Than on to the Cuban sausage. Broke the KA Grinder making it and lucky it broke instead of the KA. Learned a lesson of not putting grinder in freezer from now on. I did a little better on the stuffing this time. The baking soda worked well in the casings. The drawer liner Rick mentioned worked great under the stuffer. No clamps needed. There something about the texture and taste I am not liking and I pretty sure its the milk powder I added. I planned on not adding it but decided to follow the recipe at last minute. All I had was buttermilk powder so used that. Recipe called for 45 grams which was a lot. Not again. I having a really hard time tying the knot in the casings. Can you use some kind of tie wrap? I will be doing a tried and true recipe next time! Now for a new grinder!