not a thing wrong with it. i have no problem with anyone getting a shot or not. what i see though is this thread beating up on people that see things different than those commenting. i just want everyone to be able to have their opinions without getting canceled, regardless of their stance. i posted on a previous thread that came close to getting canceled due to some strong opinions. saw another thread i started get locked due to this topic. neither thread, that i saw, used racist remarks, or anything else i would consider anything other than strong worded opinions. yet this thread is bashing a group that sees things differently then myself and a large portion of this site members, is this not the same? i started a thread about how you gonna spend it. it got shut down due to someone mentioning something and someone got butt hurt and bam thread locked. i know that there are anti vaccine members on here. if they start bashing on the other thread as this thread is on another group, would the 14 page thread be locked down? would the thread they start bashing vaccers get locked?
lot of ramblings by me. i personally dont give a rats ass about if you get a shot or not. i sure dont care if you think pepe is a rapists or not. i dont care if you think some of my favorite shows from the past are racists or not. ill watch what i want to watch or not. but this world is getting canceled of free thought and opinions. if the mods here dont like where a thread goes they "cancel" lock it. does this make me leave the site? no but i just have strong opinions and dont like getting canceled for them and i dont think anyone else should get canacled for theirs should. lots of hypocrisy in this world. rant over, got a tri tip to get started.