Corn on the cob

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Dec 8, 2017
Question for all the experts here.

I'm doing a large cook for my church for the 4th...everyone is invited if you happen to live near Eden Prairie, MN...:)

I'm shredding/pulling pork butts and beef shoulders. Going to plan for around 200 people. I always pull the meat and store in a cooler for about 4-5 hours.

That leaves my larger smoker still hot and available.

I was thinking about adding sweet corn to the menu and thinking I could maybe put 100 ears in the smoker and then chop them in half and serve in a chafing tray with salted butter...think ears floating in butter.

I don't want to "shuck" 100 ears or "pull back" the husk of each ear and add butter, much work.

I'm thinking I could just put them in the smoker (maybe soak them prior) in the husk until tender and then chop them on site...chop each end and down the middle and thinking the husks will come off quickly.

I'm also trying to think through how long I could store them in a cooler before serving.

Would it take 1 or 2 hours @240 and then I could throw them in a cooler to deliver and serve another 2 hours later?

I realize there are other ways to make corn...but just wondering if this might be an easy way to make corn quickly.

It's all about mass production...anyone tried something like this?
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Not sure about that many ears but I cut the stalk end off of cooked corn and slides right out with no silk.
What if the end really has no stalk to speak of? Or do you cut off part of the corn? what method do you use to cook it? Not trying to hijack the thread but this topic interests me.
What if the end really has no stalk to speak of? Or do you cut off part of the corn? what method do you use to cook it? Not trying to hijack the thread but this topic interests me.
hadn't thought about the stalk...I was going to make two pieces from each, maybe "square off" both ends.

I would cook it in the smoker...see above...@240
There's also a special at the local GS...$5/dozen. would be a cheap add on...maybe $50 for corn/butter/salt...and I could just add another full size steamer with melted butter. 100 ears...chopped in two...200 people.
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hadn't thought about the stalk...I was going to make two pieces from each, maybe "square off" both ends.

I would cook it in the smoker...see above...@240
My wife takes shucked ears and puts them in a large ziplock bag with a little water inside, and pokes some holes in the bag, then tosses them in the microwave for 5-10 minutes. Essentially steaming them I think. Easier than boiling and pretty quick, but 200 ears are a lot of ears lol!

But I hate shucking and removing the silk and all that.
Not sure about that many ears but I cut the stalk end off of cooked corn and slides right out with no silk.

I normally microwave in the husk.

This doesn't work that well for 100 ears, but I guess you could do them in advance and just reheat them somehow.

I dont do large cooks (I barely feel like cooking for two anymore!) But this is the only way I do corn on the cob. I literally laugh out loud at the people standing in the grocery store shucking corn in to the trash cans the store puts out. If you educate yourself, you can select good ears of corn by just peeking at the top, making sure the silk looks healthy, then feel the cob with your fingers to make sure the kernels are intact and neatly formed. Storing corn in the fridge, in the husk works well too. My dad is old school country, he still thinks when you get corn, you shuck it immediately and freeze anything you are not eating. If you are putting up a lot of corn from a harvest, thats good, but if you are just buying corn for a couple of meals, they will keep well for several days in the husk in the fridge. Let them come to room temp before microwaving.

Once you get your cooking time down, usually about 4 minutes per ear of corn for me and my old microwave, its a piece of cake. We keep old kitchen towels for "dirty" kitchen use. Just grab the ear, put it on a cutting board, cut the stem end off right where it begins to taper down to the stalk (if you cut it right at the stalk this doesn't work as well) and holding with the towel, the corn usually will squirt right out like a Go-Gurt. The silk usually stays completely in the husk.

Cooler corn might be an option. I've never made it myself, but had it several times. Once, the host had a elote style seasoning and dressing and some shredded cheese for toppers.

Do you just add time for additional ears? Lets say I'm doing 6 ears? How much time?
I would not do 6 ears at a time. It's a trial and error thing until you get it just the way you want. The problem is there is no way to check for doneness that I can think of. Two ears, 4 minutes each or 8 minutes total works for me, but those are large ears of corn. The power of your microwave and the size of the corn and whether it is room temp or cold from the fridge all plays a role. If you dont mind the corn bieng still a little crunchy you can start with a lesser time, then note if that was good or needs more.

I have an old 850 watt microwave. I run water down the silk end of each then let the excess drain, wrap each ear in a paper towel, which makes the paper towel wet. I dont have that thing that turns in my old microwave, so I set them in there side by side pointing opposite directions, microwave 4 mins, turn and flip them, then another 4 mins.

This is s great method for just a couple ears, I would use another method for bulk cooking.
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thanks all...I think I'm going to do this:

1 - soak all the corn for a couple of hours in just water. (I'm gonna try 48 ears to make 96)

2 - throw them in the smoker (husk on) for about 45min...just enough to get them hot...maybe a bit less time.

3 - toss them in a cooler for a couple of hours....hold the heat and finish cooking

4 - chop the stalk, squeeze out the cob, chop in half

5 - put them in a hot full size steamer tray with melted butter/salt

if it doesn't work...I'm out $16...if it does, I've just kicked up 4th of July a notch. I already have 75lbs of pork butts and beef shoulders for sandwiches, chips, cookies and way I should be ok.

Thanks all!
I don't want to "shuck" 100 ears or "pull back" the husk of each ear and add butter, much work.

I'm thinking I could just put them in the smoker (maybe soak them prior) in the husk until tender and then chop them on site...chop each end and down the middle and thinking the husks will come off quickly.
Looks like things got side tracked from your question.
cooking for 200 is a little different than 6 in a microwave.
I agree shucking 100 ears for corn would not be ideal.
I would do like you suggest and soak them then throw them on the smoker till they're done, maybe turn the heat up to 300 or so. Then put in a pan and cover with foil or coolers till you get there. They should stay warm for a good while.
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Looks like things got side tracked from your question.
cooking for 200 is a little different than 6 in a microwave.
I agree shucking 100 ears for corn would not be ideal.
I would do like you suggest and soak them then throw them on the smoker till they're done, maybe turn the heat up to 300 or so. Then put in a pan and cover with foil or coolers till you get there. They should stay warm for a good while.
thanks...I think you nailed it...was thinking the same thing. It's probably much less complicated than I thought.
FYI, Safeway (at least in my area) has corn 4 for $1 today and tomorrow with digital coupon. Limit is 8, unfortunately.
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FYI, Safeway (at least in my area) has corn 4 for $1 today and tomorrow with digital coupon. Limit is 8, unfortunately.
yeah...cub in my area has $4/dozen...similar deal

just got word the events are canceled because of thunderstorms'm long on meat right now...:) is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.