Cold Smoking

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
I see in posts & threads you guys talking about cold smoking what is it how to you do it

what things would use cold smoking for I have a masterbuilt 40" smoker
Cold smoking... to keep the temperature of your smoker under 100 degrees F. Pork fat renders at 85 degrees so anything under that would cold smoke and not cook the meat. (bacons, hams)

Here is an old link to some cold smoked stuff..   and bacons...

When cold smoking you are not looking to bring your meat or item to a certain internal temperature.. you are adding smoke to the product without cooking.

I'm not familiar with your smoker but a few coals and sawdust will work in most smokers.. Also bowls of ice will help keep the temp under 100 degrees.

Hope this makes sense.
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Cold smoking is just what it implies, smoking something without heat. You would use this method for cheese, or salmon lox, or bacon. There are many things that can be cold smoked. For your MES it's simple, just get an A-MAZE-N smoke generator and you can cold smoke all you want. You just light the AMNS & don't turn the heating element on in your smoker. It works better if you remove the chip loader & keep the top vent open all the way, so you get a better air flow.
Good answers above.

All I can think of adding would be that Beef fat renders at 125˚, as Pork fat was stated to render at 85˚.

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