Hey was curious on average price per lb folks pay...
I was going to do brisket today however I wasn't satisfied with my results.
I did order one for next week though...
I looked at few places, some were completely trimmed and at 6.50per lb
Lowest I found was 4.25 from a butcher I trust.
Thing is if was to buy half a steer everything cut ænd wrapped is 2.00 per lb,
WhATS AVERaG price per lb on a brisket is my question
I was going to do brisket today however I wasn't satisfied with my results.
I did order one for next week though...
I looked at few places, some were completely trimmed and at 6.50per lb
Lowest I found was 4.25 from a butcher I trust.
Thing is if was to buy half a steer everything cut ænd wrapped is 2.00 per lb,
WhATS AVERaG price per lb on a brisket is my question