Hey guys, it's a cold morning here in arkansas, 28 degrees and fairly high humidity. Got the wsm fired up again this morning with a prime brisket from sams. Last weekend I tried a unwrapped brisket the first time, it didn't have a whole lot of marbling and came out dry and tougher than I wanted. I pulled it at 195 IT and it was probe tender when I checked the first time...I got preoccupied with other things and I'm assuming it had probably been ready to pull for some time before I got back to it [emoji]128561[/emoji]. I'm trying unwrapped again today. Placed an aluminum pan under to catch drippings, water pan filled with sand, using black ops brisket rub today with a little added salt instead of my usual salt pepper garlic cayenne rub. Been wanting to try this stuff for a while. Cooking fat side up instead of down this time and this brisket has lots of fat in it...beautiful piece of meat. It was 9.8lbs before I started trimming, prob trimmed 2lbs of fat off...had a very thick cap. Here's my setup so far...brisket went in smoker about 9:15 using pecan and kingsford blue bag minion method.