Boss Grill Pellet Smoker

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Original poster
May 10, 2024
Good Afternoon all, first time poster and pellet smoker newbie!

Recently taken on a Boss Grill pellet smoker. Tested with spatchcock chicken today and all has gone well so far... virgin brisket cook happening very early Sunday morning!

My question is this, is there an already available product to extend the hopper from its 3kg capacity? If not any easy recommendations to make this work and turn it into a low and slow overnight cooker would be much appreciated!


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Welcome from Mississippi! No help as I am not a pellet smoker user. But you'll get some answers here shortly.

Howdy, and welcome to the group from New Mexico.
I had a Blazin' GridIron and I am a metal shop weld up a funnel for it that also served as an extender.
You could design something and have a machine shop build one for you.
Could use a food grade bucket and cut hole in bottom, a little piece of ply wood with hole to cover your hopper then set the bucket on top of that so that the holes align and pellets will fall as needed. This is a little crewd but does work. Dont forget to get a thermometer with alarm incase of a problem while your sleeping.
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Ddidn't even think about something like a bucket, thanks! Will have a play later today.

Thermometer also arriving today
Could use a food grade bucket and cut hole in bottom, a little piece of ply wood with hole to cover your hopper then set the bucket on top of that so that the holes align and pellets will fall as needed. This is a little crewd but does work. Dont forget to get a thermometer with alarm incase of a problem while your sleeping.
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On another forum one of the guys used an old weber charcoal starting chimney filled with pellets setting on top of a full pellet hopper. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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