True....but you should not stress them so much that the leaves wilt. Stressed plants build a very deep and wide root base....looking for water. And it is that large root network that supports a large fruit yield. You should also bury 2/3 of the vine when you plant, then mount the dirt up at least two more times while also trimming low leaves that will be covered with new dirt. And pinch off all flowers during this time...let the plant concentrate on building roots. My tomato vines are always larger that a quarter in diameter when doing this. Usually 25+ pounds per vine....Probably the most knowledgeable tomato gardener I've ever ran across, would not water her tomatoes any more than to keep them alive. She said it stressed them, and when they got stressed they put on more fruit. She also said if ya water too much, the tomatoes will be watery and it weakens the flavor. She passed away from cancer a couple years ago.
But I followed her advise and I think I did not water enough. I've always thought the blight was killing my plants but it could be they just did not get enough water. I'm gonna increase my watering a little this year.
I've got an irrigation set up, but don't use it till June. This time of year, we get " cold " fronts about every 5 days that cause storms and we get rain. We get plenty enough rain for them till June.
True....but you should not stress them so much that the leaves wilt. Stressed plants build a very deep and wide root base....looking for water. And it is that large root network that supports a large fruit yield. You should also bury 2/3 of the vine when you plant, then mount the dirt up at least two more times while also trimming low leaves that will be covered with new dirt. And pinch off all flowers during this time...let the plant concentrate on building roots. My tomato vines are always larger that a quarter in diameter when doing this. Usually 25+ pounds per vine....
Where do you get the idea I stress them until they get leaf roll.
True....but you should not stress them so much that the leaves wilt.
Play nice boys... they are only tomatoes. Don't want anyone's feelings getting hurt. Your way works, but that doesn't mean the others are wrong.
I'd recommend looking into the heat set varieties. I know it can get very warm there in Florida like here in Louisiana.I looked around here in town and only found the regular offerings - beefsteak, early girl, san marzano and a handfull of cherry tomato types. Did a search online and found that Veseys in PEI will ship without a large $ minimum order. I'll look around in the next town over when I go to pick up my son from his grandparents place.
Like you, the shipping will be more than the actual seeds themselves. C'est la vie
He's from Oklahoma City, not Florida lol. And doesn't want any advice.I'd recommend looking into the heat set varieties. I know it can get very warm there in Florida like here in Louisiana.
I was replying to nlife,,,,He's from Oklahoma City, not Florida lol. And doesn't want any advice.