I'm thinking some of that sweet flavor you got was still the Brown Sugar, because when I do it the Pork Juices in the foil overpower the Apple Juice. Maybe just cut down on the amount of Apple juice.
Once I get my AMNPS that should help with getting better smoke for longer. The brown sugar was my own spin on your step by step. It wasn't bad and I only really noticed it when eating a piece with some bark on it. My thought was that it would help with the bark, but I don't think I needed it.
Just have to do another one to practice.....oh darn lol
Any thoughts on what I could add when I foil it instead of apple juice? As I mentioned before we didn't use the foiling juice/drippings for au jus because it was sweeter than we wanted, kind of like adding brown sugar. We decided we wanted something more savory than sweet. Thanks Bear
If it's still too sweet, try beer???