So my first round of bacon was such a hit i have been asked to do two more since.
Photos of the bacon after curing and drying.
the brisket pastrami is mine, the top two rear racks of bacon are for a buddy. I am not sure what cure he put on his. Mine are the other racks of bacon. I have muscovado brown sugar cure and Connecticut maple syrup cure.
Here they are after 30 hours of cold smoking.
my bacon top picture, his bacon bottom picture
His bacon bottom and top pictures
whole smoker
The heat is rising slowly. We will see how things go.
Photos of the bacon after curing and drying.
the brisket pastrami is mine, the top two rear racks of bacon are for a buddy. I am not sure what cure he put on his. Mine are the other racks of bacon. I have muscovado brown sugar cure and Connecticut maple syrup cure.
Here they are after 30 hours of cold smoking.
my bacon top picture, his bacon bottom picture
His bacon bottom and top pictures
whole smoker
The heat is rising slowly. We will see how things go.