Wanted to throw this out for any input. Been curing a ~4lb slab of pork belly for the past 16 days; got distracted at Christmas and couldn't get it on the smoker before today. I opened up the bag and noticed some browning on the belly. It also has the slight off smell that meat sometimes gives off. Let me say I know what rancid meat smells like and this isn't it. It's more of an off smell that isn't necessarily unpleasant.
Wanted to double check if anyone has had this happen on longer cures. I figure the cure should kill or inhibit everything (never left the fridge). You can see I've scraped some of it off in the photo.
Wanted to double check if anyone has had this happen on longer cures. I figure the cure should kill or inhibit everything (never left the fridge). You can see I've scraped some of it off in the photo.