wireless thermometer

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  1. Inkbirdbbq

    GIVEAWAY TIME - INKBIRD Wireless Meat Thermometer INT-11P-B

    Congrats, crankybuzzard is the winner who get the free INKBIRD wilreless meat thermometer! Thanks for everryone who interested our items, the 50% off page coupon still work . Prize: 1 * INKBIRD Wireless Meat Thermometer INT-11P-B To ENTER the GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment with (inkbird wireless...
  2. babydocsmoke

    Wireless probe thermometer

    I have no experience with it. Some reviews are very good if that means anything. Its half off right now if that means anything either. https://a.co/d/gzHutIr
  3. Inkbirdbbq

    FLASH SALE: 50% off at INKBIRD Wireless Thermometer INT-11P-T

    :emoji_confetti_ball:30% OFF CODE DAQU7KXS + 20% OFF COUPON on the page. :emoji_confetti_ball: Sale price $ 49.99 LINK CLICK HERE: :emoji_point_right::emoji_point_right::emoji_point_right: WIRELESS MEAT THERMOMETER
  4. BalticViking

    New to You from Portland, Oregon

    Hi everyone! We are located in the heart of Portland ("Portlandia") Oregon. We've been university chaplains with a group called Chi Alpha (AoG) since 1989, based at Portland State University. So, we stumbled onto a "free" Traeger pro smoker on Craigslist, picking it up for a friend last...
  5. dirtsailor2003

    Meater Block Buyer Beware ***UPDATE***

    I haven't posted to this site for ever, but thought I'd share my experience with the Meater Block. I was an early backer on Kickstarter and finally received mine in one of the first shipments after production. It has not worked properly from the get go. The unit has needed to do an update from...