Wood cost in your area

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Epic Pitmaster
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Jun 13, 2017
Northeast Ohio
As I move closer and closer to retirement I’ve been brainstorming pocket cash ideas. Things that are cash under the table , give me something to do and align with things o enjoy. Selling various quantities of wood for smoking is one of those. I have a steady source of oak, cherry, apple and hickory. I get a little over 3/4 cord for $125. I’m curious i what you pay for wood on your area in various quantities whether that is a few cubic feet / wheelbarrow load on up through ricks and cords. Even if you don’t buy if you are aware of pricing I’d appreciate feedback on prices and where you are. Thanks I’m advance for the feedback.
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Another way to compare/find out would be to check craigslist in other parts of the country...

Here in the Tampa area I have only bought wheelbarrows full at a time... oak is going for around $25 and Hickory around $35 ...

I found a gent down the road that has a Pecan grove... The county/state is widening the road and claimed some of his property... There were 3 trees on that property and he let me have them at no charge... So I'm set for a while ... I took him a couple slabs of ribs cooked with his wood ...
Here in the desert it's a joke Jeff, major reason I got rid of my offset. In northern CA I used to drive 45 minutes up to Gridley and load up the back of a long-bed pickup with applewood to the max for $100 cash. RAY
Another way to compare/find out would be to check craigslist in other parts of the country...

Here in the Tampa area I have only bought wheelbarrows full at a time... oak is going for around $25 and Hickory around $35 ...

I found a gent down the road that has a Pecan grove... The county/state is widening the road and claimed some of his property... There were 3 trees on that property and he let me have them at no charge... So I'm set for a while ... I took him a couple slabs of ribs cooked with his wood ...
Good idea. I have checked a few on Facebook Market in Ohio. Those who advertise selling separated smoking wood are few and far between. I will check CL too. So far what I see on the smaller quantities would match up to yours.
Here in the desert it's a joke Jeff, major reason I got rid of my offset. In northern CA I used to drive 45 minutes up to Gridley and load up the back of a long-bed pickup with applewood to the max for $100 cash. RAY
Good price you were getting in CA
Standard smoking wood in Central NJ is going for $125/$150 1/4 cord. Delivery is more and that is just dumping in the front of the house. We are in a city area so there is no yard for them to dump so its an extra $75 stacking charge. I tend to just buy bags of chunks from the big orange box
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Jeff, after a quick search, I've found prices all over the spectrum. One guy selling red oak for $120 for 200 splits, $130 for white oak, no delivery. Another guy selling it out of the back of his pickup for $175 delivered and stacked, but I can't really tell how much wood it is. Yet another selling an 8 foot truck bed full for $80, load up yourself. Someone else selling ½ cord seasoned for $80. Not much help, I know...
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We have been paying $200 for a half cord of split oak for the fireplace. At that price I have to go get it, bring it home, and stack it on a rack I built in the garage. They do load it in the truck but that's it. Problem is that oak here is a difficult commodity to come by. The "soil" in this area is solid rock so trees grow very slowly and oaks are sacred. People do all they can to save them when building a new house. Sure, some will have to be removed for construction, but it is kept to a bare minimum.

what is the best type/size of wood to cut for little management? i find i have to do a lot of checking of temp and prefer to check on heat less often. will also upgrade smoker to lose less heat.
The prices vary wildly here. I can say you are stealing @ $125 for 3/4 of a cord.
Hardwood firewood goes for $225 minimum for a cord around here - picked up.
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what is the best type/size of wood to cut for little management? i find i have to do a lot of checking of temp and prefer to check on heat less often. will also upgrade smoker to lose less heat.
In my Lang 84D I prefer splits the circumference of a can of soda. My opinion is that a stick burner is going to require checking at least every 30 minutes max.
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what is the best type/size of wood to cut for little management? i find i have to do a lot of checking of temp and prefer to check on heat less often. will also upgrade smoker to lose less heat.
There's a saying that if it bears nuts or fruit, it's good for smoking. My experience is there isn't one wood type better than another for less fire management. Size will have some affect, see below...
In my Lang 84D I prefer splits the circumference of a can of soda. My opinion is that a stick burner is going to require checking at least every 30 minutes max.
30 minutes is my experience, too and about the same size...
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About 300 for a seasoned cord here, 200ish for green. If you're ambitious you can search for already downed trees and get it free.

$500 a cord here for oak and most of the time it’s short a little bit of wood and not seasoned properly. My wood supplier dicked me over last year. Never cut a stick of wood.
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We have a large, international scale, sawmill near here. I can get a good size trailer of kiln dried cherry, either 5/4 or 8/4, for $40. I use it for starting both the wood stove and the smoker. It's mostly ends. I used to slice them up on the table saw, pack them in a USPS flat rate box, and sell them on eBay. You could make an extra buck that way. Shipping rounds or pieces off the wood splitter just didn't work out. Too much air, not enough wood for the customer's money.
A few miles from my house is a company that provides seasoned and green wood for BBQ joints and restaurants in AL/GA. The wood is in 18 & 24" lengths, palletized, wrapped and delivered. They sell the pieces under 18" for .12 to .14 per pound. They keep pretty good sized piles that you can pick thru. The oak is mixed red & white, the hickory is separated. I usually get about 600 pounds at a time.
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