Howdy! Should I use wild pig fat in my sausage? If so, from where? I shot a big boar last weekend and as usual just quartered him out and then butchered for chops, sausage, and jerky. I usually get pork fat from a local butcher to make sausage (20%) but am wondering if I could/should have used some of the fat from the boar. Thoughts on using that versus domestic pig fat? thx
Hi there and welcome!
Great thread and info here!
I shot a sow once that had likely gotten loose and become feral for some time. She has a MASSIVE amount of fat. Like 4 inches thick in some spots.
has you well covered on the approach to test fat.
I definitely used the fat on that sow and she had no bit of nastiness to her at all.
I find that 180lbs and under are generally pretty good to go for eating here in TX.
I've eaten boar that was well over 275lbs BUT he was the cleanest damn wild pick I've ever seen. He was on the only one on the property and had no funk to him. The whole thing was turned into sausage and OMG it was amazing!
That is not always the case, especially with boars and big ones hahaha.
Even some smelly ones were fine once the hide was off them.
I've been fortunate to not run into any that smelled like they lived in a sewer but I also am also selective on picking a good one to eat when I shoot em... if there are a few to choose from :)
Finally, I've made wild boar sausage and smoked to an Internal Temp (IT) of 165F. My smoker holds temp precisely to the degree so I can push the limits. I had to push the smoker temp up to 180F so it is possible.
If you don't have a PID controlled electric smoker then doing the same thing is likely not possible BUT you can get close and just cook on a grill later to 165F IT and you will be good to go at meal time :)
I hope all this info helps and congrats on the wild pig hauls! :D