The Pickle jar.......

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I have a jar for my three old daughter. I have at times "borrowed" from the jar for meaningless items. After the preceding stories I will only add to the jar from now on! Feeling rather guilty and sensitive at the moment.
Coyote what a great story.

Pops, what an honor to know you, you are one courageous person. I think it's time that things turn around for you.

God bless my friend.
Thanks so much, I didn't post this because of our situation, just that The Pickle Jar hit home such a chord of remembrance and how wonderful and meaningful a story it is. We went to Roswell Memorial Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY; at first every week for a year, then every two weeks for a year, then every month for a year, then every 2 months for a year, etc., until they said she was in a sort of remission. She is never free of the leiomyosarcoma; it can return at any time and initially this is what we thought had happened, but it's a different kind of lymphoma this time. Anyways, at Roswell we met a lot of people, from blue collar to movie stars there for treatment (that is where Gilda Radner and a host of others went to). The most recurring theme we heard from many women was how, once the husband found out the wife had cancer, he bailed, got a long-distance divorce and disappeared, unwilling to be responsible for the wife's condition and resulting bills. I was absolutely horrified by the stories we heard from woman after woman! It was amazing at how many spineless ******** there were, and also taking away the patient's only hope for recovery, their insurance. These women who braved through their disease and coped with such loss are the real heroes, believe me! If I owned a gun I wanted to track down every one of their spouses who split and make sure they never walked (and walked out) again!
They've made such improvements in treatments and cures (our daughter-in-law, married to the CEO, is a cancer researcher heading trials looking for cures and is a big help; she's going with us Tuesday when we get the results) that we hope 1) it's a minor skin cancer and 2) that is has not internalized - that would be the best outcome. But, whatever the outcome is, my wife knows I will stay by her side 100%. And, I know the good folks on here would do the same! I've learned deep love and respect for my wife after the doctors told me she was going to die in 3 weeks, guaranteed she wouldn't see her next birthday. She's still here kickin' me every step of the way! She's a fighter! And we'll make it this time too!

My father, at age 42 was given six months to live. Well, the docs were almost right. He passed away thirty-one years and six months to the day after his first assessment. He had cancer of the larynx and later several other cancers also beset him.

I know all about the treatment and the waiting and the uncertainty of results and the anticipation of remission.

Once again may God hold you and your wife close and may His light shine upon you giving strength and peace. I am sure the entire SMF family has you both in their prayers.

Cheers, my friend!

Your story has brought tears to my eyes. I hope for only the best for you and yours.


Thanks for starting this thread. I have a change bucket. From now on, I will think of it as my pickle jar!


In 1998 a GOOD friend of mine was given TWO weeks.
He is now CANCER FREE 10 - TEN - years!
Attitude, support and Faith!

He asked me to pour a bottle of Irish Whiskey on his grave.
I STILL have the bottle.
HOPE I never use it!
We went to the oncologist yesterday for the results of her tests: they did what's called a PET scan which is a 3-d image of her entire innards, blood work and CT scan too (all in all about $8,000 in tests, of which I pay $2,500). BUT! The good news is that the cancer has not internalized - everything inside is normal from an organ standpoint. It is some kind of large T-Cell proliferactive lymphoma of the skin. She has to have the primary site re-excised (a bigger amount taken out), and has to go to the leading expert in Texas on it in Dallas at Baylor Hospital downtown (gawd I hate driving in Dallas!) as 3 pathologists and 1 dermatologist and 2 oncologists can't agree as to what kind of t-cell lymphoma she has and what course of treatments she needs. Most likely she is going to have to have a bone marrow test done (they put a big needle in the bone of the hip and draw out fluid) and radiation on the site, and if excised again have chemo topically along with it. But, at least no major internal operations as of yet! We can exclude 'worst case scenario' now. All in all about another $4,000 in non-covered bills, maybe. But, that's ok. We'll find a way. I know this time I'm a lot more concience on how the doctors and labs are spending my money and making sure EVERYONE, from the radiologists to oncologists to chemo and radiation spe******ts, etc. are in our network and will accept assignment of benefits so we don't have to pay excess charges.
Anyways, I'm rattling. Still a long way to go and lots of bills to accumulate, but the worst case is over, TG! She's gonna live! Now, we just pray it hasn't gotten into the bone marrow. Thank you all for your prayers getting us this far, it is sooo much appreciated!

*Edited in* - We were told by her office (the doctor in Dallas) that the next appointment was in mid January. The oncologist we saw yesterday who's referring us to the oncologist in Dallas called her and her office just called us - they want to see her tomorrow at 12:30pm! Guess the priority level has been raised and doors opened. We'll see what happens tomorrow!
I have done this at home since my daughter was born 8 years ago. This just reinforces my beliefs that I am doing the right thing. Great story! And yes, a tear welled up.
I am glad folks have gotten a benifit from this. It is still a great read. and reminds me to do better.
I've had that jar all my life but will look at it in a different way now. P.S. check your change I still find silver now and then. 
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I've had that jar all my life but will look at it in a different way now. P.S. check your change I still find silver now and then. 
Thanks for the silver idea, meateater.  I forgot I had a few rolls of silver coins.  May have to see if they're worth enough to be useful.

 I've been out of work for 4 months--never dreamed I wouldn't be able to to walk right into a job with my experience and contacts.  Everybody is using on-line questionnaires and "assessments" to weed folks out.  I KNOW that the questions asked can't be asked on an application or in an interview.  I don't  know how they're getting by with it, but my age and lack of college degree are killing me.  When I lost my job, we lost our insurance.  My wife has been on Medicare part A due to medical disability, but we never got part B or D because we didn't need them.  Thought we would save the gov't some money and just use my work insurance.  Big mistake.  Due to past employers being out of business, it it took me almost 3 months to get (by hook or by crook, actually) the info needed to get her part B started.  Since that took so long, we can't get her on part D until the first of the year.  

Hopefully those rolls of coin have enough value to help pay for at least a little bit of her meds...

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