So this part always kicks my ass... Making snack sticks and when it comes to seasonings... Trying to figure out how much is needed...
Directions on the bag (Owens) says 2 lbs seasoning .... which is the whole bag... For 25 lbs of meat... So to break it down for 15lbs of meat...
I'm going by ounces as it doesn't need to be that accurate...
2lbs (32oz) divided by 25lbs (400oz) multiplied by 15lbs (240oz) = 19.2 ozs... correct ??
PS... If you have spicey (7 pepper) seasonings on your finger.... DON'T rub your eye with said finger... Don't ask me how I know...BURNNNNN..... and BURNNN some more
Directions on the bag (Owens) says 2 lbs seasoning .... which is the whole bag... For 25 lbs of meat... So to break it down for 15lbs of meat...
I'm going by ounces as it doesn't need to be that accurate...
2lbs (32oz) divided by 25lbs (400oz) multiplied by 15lbs (240oz) = 19.2 ozs... correct ??
PS... If you have spicey (7 pepper) seasonings on your finger.... DON'T rub your eye with said finger... Don't ask me how I know...BURNNNNN..... and BURNNN some more