I second the motion on peppers and tomatoes, but disagree on the taters. We feel like there is no comparison between store bought taters and fresh dug taters. Buy seed potatoes. Cut them into chunks, each chunk having 2 eyes, set them in a cool dry place and let them "harden off" for 2 or 3 weeks. Dig a 1 ft deep furrow and lay the sets in @ 4" to 6" spacings, and cover with 3 or 4 " of dirt. Each time the plants start to emerge, cover them with a couple more inches of dirt. contioue this until you end up with a mound where there was a furrow. When plants begin to flower, it's ok to start harvesting. Sroe your crop in the ground right where they grow. Only dig up what you plan to use, and only dig more when you want more.