@daveomak ,
I always appreciate your posts, in fact welcome them.
I have done the testing on different forms of vitamin C, see the post above, when I noticed that Waltons and Backwoods seasoning both had NaE in their bacon dry rub cure with nitrite added this got my squirrel cage moving thinking about possibilities. Granted my testing is small with dry rub nitrite cure mix plus NaE but the evidence is pretty easy to see. Ascorbic acid is a completely different animal in terms of reaction with nitrite as I have noted.
I always wondered why some recommended the addition of NaE to brines as cover pickle, I figured that was counter productive, but apparently it’s not and will work just fine. The meats I have put into cure are all curing perfectly with the NaE addition. When NaE is dissolved in water and cure #1 is added, no discernible reaction happens even after 10 minutes. Citrus juice or wine are much more reactive.