Smoked Picanha: Braving The Heat For Alpha Brat (Mega Food & Pet Pics)

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tx smoker

Legendary Pitmaster
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Apr 14, 2013
Lago Vista, Texas
No, "Brat" is not short for Bratwurst :emoji_laughing: I have two daughters from my previous marriage. Many years ago I dubbed Courtney, the oldest, as Alpha Brat and her younger sister Candice, as Beta Brat. The monikers have stuck with them and that's how they are referred to still today. Courtney just got out of the Navy after 8 years of service and decided to load up her pups and take a cross country road trip. She dropped by here on her way back to VA Beach so I cooked a nice dinner for her. Although she was a manager at a couple of high end steak houses prior to joining the Navy, she had never seen or heard of a Picanha roast. Seemed fitting to treat her to one. As our friend Retired Spook Retired Spook has noted, we are living in the "Ninth Circle of Hell" right now. Never heard that term before seeing him post it but he's right on the money. Not the most pleasant environment to be outside cooking but it was worth it. Now to the full length book of a thread.

The roast.

Remove the silver skin from the bottom, trim the fat cap, cross cut it, and season with just kosher salt and butcher's grind black pepper.

Prepped a batch of asparagus our favorite way: lots of butter, dried cranberries, and shaved pecans.

A batch of homemade garlic, sour cream, and chive mashed taters. Made gravy also but no pics. Y'all have seen that before.

Get the smoker up to 200 with some oak lump and cherry wood. On goes the roast. Anticipating a 2 hour cook at the low temp.

It's well over 100 degrees so Courtney's pups taking a water break and getting a drink from one of the 4-tiered waterfalls I built. Coco on the left and Nell on the right.

Got some nice TBS rolling. Sorry but I just love seeing this. Very gratifying from any smoker, but even more so from a homemade one.

Dialed in at 200 and rock solid stable. Temp did go up to 203 later as the sun was really beating down on the smoker. God it was hot!!

Tracy and Courtney enjoying time in the the deep end where there's some semblance of shade. Hey Joe ( xray xray ), Courtney is drinking your favorite: White Claw :emoji_laughing:

At the one hour mark. Really taking on some nice color already.

Roast is getting close so time to put the asparagus on the grill.

Right at two hours and the roast is done.Man this looks really good. Pulled it at 129 and with the low temp cook there was very little carryover. A few pics.




The whole spread. Not a ton of items but it was plenty for three of us.

My first plate.

Oh David ( DRKsmoking DRKsmoking ), one more for you my friend :emoji_wink:

We were pretty well wiped out from the heat and in a food coma. Time to sit down and catch a movie. Coco decided she needed some lovin' from mama.

Bianca is used to being an only child and doesn't understand why her whole world is in chaos with all these young pups.

Nell decides to join the party with her mama and Coco.

Then Nell decided to pay Tracy a little visit for some more lovin'.
025.jpg had been several years since we'd seen Courtney so it was a great visit. I just wish she had a couple more days to spend but she had to get back for a couple of visits to the VA to finalize her paperwork. All in all a very good meal and she got to experience a cut of beef she'd never had, which she loved. Like me, she's a true lover of good beef so this was a treat. Our first time meeting her pups and they are a couple of the absolute sweetest puppies we have ever seen. I wanted to keep Nell but got out voted by Courtney and Bianca :emoji_laughing:

Gonna call this one done....finally. Thanks for sticking it out assuming you made it all the way through. Take care and stay cool.

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Mighty fine meal there Robert!!!
Good to get together with family.
Our sons are coming in from out of state in a few weeks to help us celebrate our anniversary.
Was a surprise when they called. Looking forward to it.
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It all looks great as usual Robert. Beef is perfect and man the asparagus looks amazing. I love seeing perfect blue smoke,can only imagine how much more satisfying it is when you built the cooker. Despite your outdoor heat looks like you keep the house polar since Courtney is wrapped in a blanket haha. Over at my buddies he's in shorts and no shirt usually and his girls are rolled up like burritos 😂
Another fine culinary effort Robert, nice work there! We've had super high temps for months now, never thought it would effect my outdoor cooking since I dumped the offset. I was wrong, can't stand being out in the hot sun for very long anymore, hate it! RAY
As our friend Retired Spook Retired Spook has noted, we are living in the "Ninth Circle of Hell" right now. Never heard that term before seeing him post it but he's right on the money. Not the most pleasant environment to be outside cooking but it was worth it.

Gonna call this one done....finally. Thanks for sticking it out assuming you made it all the way through. Take care and stay cool.


:emoji_laughing: Sir Robert - the Ninth Circle of Hell is from Dante's Divine Comedy (aka Dante's Inferno (Inferno = Hell)) - The Ninth Circle is the bottom of the pit - it is where Wall Street CEO's and all politicians wind up :emoji_laughing:

From Wikipedia:
Hell is depicted as nine concentric circles of torment located within the Earth; it is the "realm ... of those who have rejected spiritual values by yielding to bestial appetites or violence, or by perverting their human intellect to fraud or malice against their fellowmen". As an allegory, the Divine Comedy represents the journey of the soul toward God, with the Inferno describing the recognition and rejection of sin.
Sounds like Texas to me - but the book is a good read, in my humble opinion.

Another masterpiece cook, as usual, and a beautiful family!
  • Haha
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Very nice Robert, another fine dining meal at the homestead.
Ha ha , thanks for the close-up shot, always fun to see.

Even better have family and visiting family to be part of the enjoyment.
Nice to have your daughter and her kids visit , even if only for a bit.

And always nice to have pictures of all the kids, but Bianca really does not look happy, and I get it .

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The star of this one is family and the pups! Love the picture of Bianca. So glad you got to see your daughter. Surprised you able to keep the temp on smoker at 200.
Great meal with the daughter! It is a balmy 68 here this morning. Had a front roll through last night with strong T-storms. Had the camper shaking a bit!
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It is a balmy 68 here this morning. Had a front roll through last night with strong T-storms. Had the camper shaking a bit!
The Northeast Appalachians (Pocono, Catskill, Hudson Highland, Berkshire, Green, Adirondack and White Mountains) are some of the most naturally beautiful places on Earth - the finest "woods" in all of North America, in my humble opinion.

The Native Americans of the northeast had it made.
Looks great Robert, I complain when it gets above 85 here dont know if I'd survive the 100's.
Mighty fine meal there Robert!!!
Thanks so much Bruce, Not over the top per se but a pretty decent meal.
Good to get together with family.
Yes sit it was.
Our sons are coming in from out of state in a few weeks to help us celebrate our anniversary.
Was a surprise when they called. Looking forward to it.
That's fantastic. I can imagine the surprise. Probably the same as when Courtney let me know she was coming. Hope you and your sons have a great time. Can't wait to see the feast you put on for them.

Gorgeous meal.
Thanks so much Jim. I apprecoate it buddy.
And betting the pool was about bath water temp wise.
Actually there is some science / chemistry / physics involved that keep the pool WAY cooler than you'd think. I am a CPO (Certified Pool Operator) and have an extensive education in pool chemistry. Won't go into all of the details here but the pool actually feels chilly when you jump in. Hard to believe I know, but it's true.

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Awesome! Love threads that include a few pics of the pups.
Thank you sir. I don't typically post the puppy pics because most of my threads are long enough without them :emoji_wink: The pups were such a big part of this day though they deserved a little time in the spotlight.

It all looks great as usual Robert. Beef is perfect and man the asparagus looks amazing.
Thank you my friend. It was a pretty nice meal and I have managed to get lucky recently with cooking the beef roasts.
Despite your outdoor heat looks like you keep the house polar since Courtney is wrapped in a blanket haha.
We do tend to keep the house pretty cool but after being out in the 100+ degree heat for several hours and your body temp goes up, coming into the AC feels really cold because you're more sensitive to the temp difference. Up there where you live in the frozen tundra of the great white north this is a phenomenon you probably don't experience :emoji_laughing:

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Another fine culinary effort Robert, nice work there!
Thanks so much my friend. It was a pretty simple meal so not a lot to go wrong. We enjoyed it though.
We've had super high temps for months now
I've heard that and do not envy you. We've had some extreme heat but the killer has been the higher than normal humidity. Add them up and it makes for some miserable conditions.
never thought it would effect my outdoor cooking since I dumped the offset. I was wrong, can't stand being out in the hot sun for very long anymore
Sam here!! After almost winding up in the hospital twice recently with heat stroke, I've become VERY sensitive to the heat, which I have never had to deal with before. I'm trying hard to learn my limitations in hopes of surviving the Summer. 20 to 30 minutes out in this stuff is about all I can handle any more.

White Claw sounds pretty badass! But I’m a Ranch Water guy now.

All joking aside, that is one incredible looking meal and that roast is done to pure perfection! I’m sure Courtney would think the same. Looks like the doggos had a good time too with all the love and spoiling.

I walked outside this morning to go to work and thought it was pretty chilly. I debated running back inside for a jacket but figured the heated seats in the Subaru would do the trick. Sorry to hear about the crazy weather you been having. Hopefully relief is in sight. I’d send ya rain and cooler temps if I was able to.
What a great way to take care of the Brats! Well done Dad. Ooo, Picanha- definitely my favorite cut. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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