It has come to my attention that some new and older members are not sure how to report spam and trash that has littered our web-site.
I am the Forum Moderator. If you stumble across a Post that is Spam or any other type of Illicit message, simply click on the Blue Button at the top right of the page and an automatic e-mail is generated to me.
Dutch (The Welcome Guy) has Moderator privileges. Since we have grown expedientially over the years, there is no way one person can moderate this site 24/7. I am very thankful to him for all that he contributes and "having my back" when I couldn't be around.
Smoking Meat Forums started as a humble (relatively small) Yahoo Group - Which still exists today. Now, if you enter "Smoking Meat" on the Google Search Engine - WE are #4 on the list!!!!!!!! Quite a feat, considering our meager beginnings and the criteria it takes to be on the FRONT page of Google - let alone #4 on the list!
Hence, we have been getting hit by Spammers and Hackers trying to disrupt our little slice of Heaven. So, please, if you see something that doesn't meet our standards here.............let us know!
I am the Forum Moderator. If you stumble across a Post that is Spam or any other type of Illicit message, simply click on the Blue Button at the top right of the page and an automatic e-mail is generated to me.
Dutch (The Welcome Guy) has Moderator privileges. Since we have grown expedientially over the years, there is no way one person can moderate this site 24/7. I am very thankful to him for all that he contributes and "having my back" when I couldn't be around.
Smoking Meat Forums started as a humble (relatively small) Yahoo Group - Which still exists today. Now, if you enter "Smoking Meat" on the Google Search Engine - WE are #4 on the list!!!!!!!! Quite a feat, considering our meager beginnings and the criteria it takes to be on the FRONT page of Google - let alone #4 on the list!
Hence, we have been getting hit by Spammers and Hackers trying to disrupt our little slice of Heaven. So, please, if you see something that doesn't meet our standards here.............let us know!