Generally I will put the refer temp meat in the smoker, no smoke, at ~100-110F for an hour or 2 so to get it warming... Then add smoke... exhaust wide open. good air flow.... after the smoke has been added, maybe 6-12-36 hours, I up the temp to~140 ish and close the exhaust 90% to stop evaporative cooling and heat to pasteurization temp.. ~135-138F and hold it at that temp for an hour or so longer than recommended times to pasteurize... just to be safe... I might have to up the smoker temp to ~145 ish to get the meat IT up...
When cold smoking, the meat temp needs to be above ambient or the air flow in the smoker might reverse....
Pasteurization times for beef, corned beef, lamb, pork and cured pork (FDA, 2009, 3-401.11.B.2).
Temp.F Time
130........ 112 min
131......... 89 min
132......... 71 min
133......... 56 min
134 .........45 min
135........ 36 min
136 ........28 min
137........ 23 min
138....... 18 min
139 .......15 min
140 .......12 min
Table C.1: Pasteurization times for beef, corned beef, lamb, pork and cured pork (FDA, 2009, 3-401.11.B.2).