Hi everyone
I want to build my own smoker / cooker/ smoke house, so if you have any ideas drop me an email or an answer here.
I'm a laser operator and have access to mild steel and stainless steel both from .030" all the way up to .5"
So far what I have in mind is a 3 system smoker.
#1 a fire pit " for that thin blue smoke"
#2 firebox to provide heat for cooking
#3 a seperate smoke house for cold smoking
Heres what I need to know, how big a firebox should I make ? should I line it with fire brick ? what wood should I use for a smokehouse ? I want my fire box to provide for both smoker and smoke house a simple damper should take care of that and is easy to make, I won't be useing both at the same time eather.I'm not feeding an army so I don't need one that needs a trailer, so give me your ideas any feed back is welcome
I want to build my own smoker / cooker/ smoke house, so if you have any ideas drop me an email or an answer here.
I'm a laser operator and have access to mild steel and stainless steel both from .030" all the way up to .5"
So far what I have in mind is a 3 system smoker.
#1 a fire pit " for that thin blue smoke"
#2 firebox to provide heat for cooking
#3 a seperate smoke house for cold smoking
Heres what I need to know, how big a firebox should I make ? should I line it with fire brick ? what wood should I use for a smokehouse ? I want my fire box to provide for both smoker and smoke house a simple damper should take care of that and is easy to make, I won't be useing both at the same time eather.I'm not feeding an army so I don't need one that needs a trailer, so give me your ideas any feed back is welcome