So my wife loves my cooking and when I am on the site she sometimes looks and will ask questions about the meaning of some lingo we use and I will talk in the lingo not thinking if she knows what I am talking about or not. The other day she asks whats IT so I tell her internal temperature, another post she saw had PP and she asked what that was, I say pulled pork. So where driving to go hang out with a friend and I decide to give her a BBQ lingo test during the short ride. Here is how it went.
Me: Whats ABT
Her: Atomic Buffalo Turd
Me: Whats IT
Her: Internal temperature
Me: Whats PP
Her: Pulled pork
Me: Whats a WSM
Her: Weber smokey Machine
Me: Close but it's Weber Smokey Mountain
Me: Whats a UDS
Her: Ugly drum smoker
Me: Whats a rub
Her: It's what you put on your PP
Let just say I almost crashed the car laughing but we made it there safe.
Me: Whats ABT
Her: Atomic Buffalo Turd
Me: Whats IT
Her: Internal temperature
Me: Whats PP
Her: Pulled pork
Me: Whats a WSM
Her: Weber smokey Machine
Me: Close but it's Weber Smokey Mountain
Me: Whats a UDS
Her: Ugly drum smoker
Me: Whats a rub
Her: It's what you put on your PP
Let just say I almost crashed the car laughing but we made it there safe.