Milpa Garden - crazy blend of 34 seed types.

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uncle eddie

Master of the Pit
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OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
May 14, 2016
Central Missouri
I have a 123 acre farm that is is mostly covered in very well managed (TSI'ed) hardwood forest (mostly white and red oak). I do plant 12 acres of food plots for deer/turkey, have 7 acres of warm season grasses and native Missouri flowering prairie plants...but this year I added Milpa Garden by Green Cover Seed which has a variety of over 30 different seeds!

I disked/planted a strip (no herbicide) about 100 yards long by 15 feet wide next to a dirt road so I could dart in/out and grab what I wanted. We finally have abundant rain and it is coming up are the weeds (but who cares). Pic below:

The blend is designed to attract insects and for every bad actor there are like 100 good insects that can take care of the bad actors. Plus turkey tear up the bugs!

Here are the seed types in this crazy blend:
Green Beans, Black Beans, Spring Forage Pea, Keystone Winter Pea, Iron and Clay Cowpeas, Mung Beans, Balady Berseem Clover, Hubam Sweet Clover, Mancan Buckwheat, Okra, Black Oil Sunflower, Russian Mammoth Sunflower, Phacelia, Flax, Purple Top Turnip, Pink Celebration Radish, Crimson Giant Radish, Nitro Radish, Collards, Brown Mustard, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Pie Pumpkins, Decorative Gourd Mix, Butternut Squash, White Scallop Squash, Payroll Squash, Early King Pumpkin, Gold Star Squash, Watermelon Blend, Squash Blend, Melon Blend, Cucumber Blend, and Showy Flower Blend.

Awesome . I was going to seminars at the local CooP sponsored by Imperial seed and Purina farms . Interesting stuff .
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Haven't heard anything about that seed mix sounds interesting. What kind of PH do you have in that plot? Since there are both summer and winter seeds in the mix I take it that it's meant to be a yearly planting rather than a seasonal one?
If you would keep us updated on the progress of that plot please
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Fueling Around Fueling Around
We disced the soil "lightly" around May 25. Had a late start this year. Life...
I broadcasted the seed in this tiny strip (did not use the no-till-drill).
I then used my UTV to run the drag harrow and then a cultipacker.
Aside from a 3 week stretch with 95F+ weathered, rain has been acceptable to outstanding.

pineywoods pineywoods
I did not do soil tests this year other than check for organic (carbon) content (can do that in my own lab for free). But I did spread ag-lime -heavy- last year. It takes a while for the ag-lime to impact the soil, but our pH was not too bad to begin with (2023 was 5.8 to 7.7 - average of 6.9 - goal was 6.5). I plan to do soil tests again next spring for our 12 acres of food plots. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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