Folks are careful when recommending leaving food sitting out. FDA guidelines, in my opinion are an abundance of caution, but all caution is to avoid advice that can make someone sick.
The roast I just did was left out for 2 hours before going in the heat but the IT was still in the 40's. It cooked perfectly evenly though. I used to think letting a pork butt sit out till closer to room temp before smoking was a good idea, mostly to reduce the cook time, but folks here with experience told me it really makes no noticeable difference either in evenness of cooking or the time it takes to get past the stall to finish.
In another discussion, someone linked to a method (cant find it now) where you let the roast sit out at room temp for 5-6 hours, put it in a preheated 500 oven and I think roasted for 30 minutes then turn the oven off and walk away for whatever period of time. So, plenty of people are surviving a roast coming to room temp before cooking it seems like.
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