This looks to be just one long sheet of mylar covered bubble wrap insulation, according to one of the
amazon reviews. It wraps around and velcros together. A number of the reviews state you can buy the same stuff at home depot for less and then just make yourself for much less money.
With that info it looks like it does not cover the top or bottom of the smoker and it wouldn't exactly meet your smokers 35" H requirement.
I looked at reflective bubble insulation that Home depot carries and it is not rated for temperatures that would work for a smoker so I'm not sure the claims of doing it yourself with stuff at Home Depot are accurate.
My guess is that your insulation (as long as it can hold up to the temps) and a mylar sheet or a something like this welding blanket (1000F working temp)
You can get the job don building a cover like RJ Builder's or one like the
Amazon item.