Hello I am Nick (aka whatsasmoker). But seriously I know what a smoker is. JohnD49455 has a few of them he let me try to burn something with them. He also has been pestering me and anyone he knows about how awesome SMF is. So here I am. Well a little experience background.....I don't have much, except that I have been cooking professionally off and on since I was 14 yrs old(which is a long time((for me))) Other than that I am 1 class away from being a certified chef through the ACF. Well the only smoking I have done is burning something in my oven and smoking out my entire neighborhood. No but seriously I don't have a smoker and probably can't afford one anyways. But as for now I am gonna read as much as possible so I know what JohnD is talking about, I am tired of him being the only one that knows what he is talking about. (LOL John)