I have a new Traeger and would like to find the best all around pellet to use. So for I've used only Traeger pellets cause I can purchase for $16.00 per 20# bag or about 80 cents per #. I live in Reno, NV and it seems my choices are limited. I've read posts about may good pellets but they seem to be East Coast oriented, shipping to get them to me puts most of them over $1.00 per pound. I also do not want to have "X" for fish, "Y" for pork, or "Z" for beef etc.
I ask about Bear Mountain because Cash & Carry has them for about $10.80 per 20# bag or about 54 cents per # compared to my Traeger pellets @ 80 cents per # and even less for a 33# bag.
I'm an old guy 71, and have learned through the years that you pretty much "get what you pay for", so what does anyone else think? My family likes the taste of smoked meats but they like a "mild" smoke flavor, I don't want to clean out the burn pot after every use, and judging from my 1st month we will be using the smoker about 3-4 times per week.
I ask about Bear Mountain because Cash & Carry has them for about $10.80 per 20# bag or about 54 cents per # compared to my Traeger pellets @ 80 cents per # and even less for a 33# bag.
I'm an old guy 71, and have learned through the years that you pretty much "get what you pay for", so what does anyone else think? My family likes the taste of smoked meats but they like a "mild" smoke flavor, I don't want to clean out the burn pot after every use, and judging from my 1st month we will be using the smoker about 3-4 times per week.