Bye Bye!

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Gone but not forgotten. RIP
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Apr 27, 2008
Well after a week of trying to get the utilities shut off, waiting on hold every day I finally got it done. I had to spend an hour on the phone to change the insurance over

Same crap with a uhaul rental.

Then comes loading the truck, It was the biggest one 26' foot. Couldn't get every thing in it.

I had to waste another hour today getting the trailer, I had to get the smallest one since they didn't have the one I wanted.

So, we ran out of room on that. Now we loaded the van to the hilt.


Now I suppose I will have to rent 2 storage units

We are leaving a day late and have to drive 10-12 hours AND unload tommorow.

What a nightmare!!!!!

Thanks for putting up with my Rant!!!
Ron ya'll have a save trip and once you get there it'll all be in the past and might even be a funny story some day in the future. Way in the future
I hope ya made a few smoked sammies for the ride, that should make it a little better.
When they say press 1 for English always press 0 repeatly until you get a human. Little trick I learned.
Ugh...sounds like a few of the out-of-state moves we've been through.

Take yourself a nice long break after you get finished'll need it, brother! Keep your back straight when lifting, etc., whatever you do.

Good luck and safe traveling!

Hope he doesn't check this while still heading out there...poor Ron.

But hey, you'll be there and set up in no time and another trip will be behind you
Have a good trip, Ron. It'll all be over soon and you'll be smoking up a storm again.
Yes he's in the midst of a moving experience and doesn't seem to be enjoying it. I'm sure he will enjoy it much more when they get there and get settled
The bright side is a new environment and new challenges ahead, keeps life interesting. Wishing you the best bud, and a safe trip too.
Just got off the phone with the Ron Man and he wanted me to post for him. They turned his phone line (modem) off and he doesn't have internet service. I brought him up to date on his responses to his post and he wanted me to let everyone know he appreciates the concern and the enthusiasm for his big move. He hopes to be back online tomorrow night and will get back with everyone properly. He wanted me to thank you all for the encouragement.
yup ron, when you read this hopefully the worse will be over... Utah is some beautiful country. i do believe you are going to enjoy yourself there!!! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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