I had no idea they were sought after.. other people at the lake treated them like river carp, but my pop loves them and gets excited to find roe when cleaning them. I never had a taste for fresh water fish, wish I did, but I grew up with it as a meal every summer and I never complained. It was tasty. As usual, I appreciate the memories Bear!
We were the opposite---Mostly Fresh Water fishing:
Small Mouth Bass & Catfish in the DE River.
Trout in all the streams.
Bass & Pickerel in lakes & ponds.
Yellow Perch, Crappies, Gills, and Sunnies everywhere.
We had fresh freshwater fish to eat all year round, and Roe every Spring.
LOL---Along with Venison, Rabbit, Squirrel, Grouse, Pheasant, Ducks, Woodcock, Doves.
When I was in 5th & 6th Grade, my Dad used to get me out of school on Fridays, at Noon, so we could get any early start to the Poconos to catch our Friday Supper.