cold smoked bacon

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  1. K

    Time between curing and cold smoking

    I just dry cured some pork belly for bacon. I took it out of the dry cured Friday night to cold smoke but didn't get a chance to smoke it over the weekend. How long can it sit in the fridge before cold smoking it? I have it sitting, uncovered, on a wire rack in my fridge right now.
  2. SmokinAl

    My turn at BEEF Bacon!

    Well thanks to our old friend Robert @tx smoker I have a nice piece of beef belly, CPB of course. I cut the piece in half & used bacon calculator for the cure. This is how it came. Out of the plastic. Cut it in half, and into the bags with the cure for...
  3. P

    New member question: wood stove to smokehouse distance

    We raise our own meat, so we're used to curing, but now we'd like to try cold smoking some bacon. We have a board and batten well house (6x8', 8' peaked roof) with lots of natural ventilation. Our plan is to set up a woodstove a distance away and run the stovepipe to the well house. How far from...
  4. SonnyE

    And away we go.... Smokin Today

    OK, my Pork Belly is in the smoke. I did another Slab due out on the 17th. I let it set to pelical for 2 days in my curing fridge, but today set it in front of my fan and finished drying it out. Satisfied it was well dry, I forged ahead and have it in the cold smoke and running a MES temp of...