statement on health care bill......

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Meat Mopper
Original poster
Feb 20, 2008
Fountain City, Wisconsin
How do people like this keep their job??!!
mad.gif The thing is they can be found on both side of the aisle......Pay attention folks and get out and vote when the time comes
Yeah Jim, his statement sounds stupid. Gosh, imagine these elected officials actually reading a bill before signing it, and asking America to pay for it. Taking personal responsibility for knowing the contents of some bill that are 1000+ pages instead of just relying on staffer's summaries sounds foreign to our pampered elected representatives and senators. After all they have very important luncheons/dinners and campaign fund drives to oversee, and don't forget those all important moments they treasure to make appearance either on TV or before news cameras.

Actually Jim what Conyers is refering to is the Read the Bills Act (RTBA), legislation trying to get a vote right now, you may be surprised who supports and who doesn't support this bill. RTBA not only requires the bill to be read before the house and senate, but any new add-ons require the legislation to be read again. In addition, any new legislation up for vote would be posted on the WEB for the public to view 7 days prior to a vote.

The RTBA would be great, but doesn't go far enough to prevent Congress from taking your hard earned money. Another bill needs to be passed that would require 2/3 majority in the house, and a 60/40 majority in the senate before any spending bill could be passed. This alone would slow down Congress and expose who is just playing politics rather than serving their constituates.
Oh and they are sly about everything. I just got invited to join the congressional physician recommendation committee for health care reform.

So I say to my self, why this honor to me? I thought OK I send a lot of mail about my opinions and have donated some small amounts of money here and there, but that can't be why.

So I call to at least find out what it is. Long story short after a couple of transfers etc. I can be on this organization, but they want to place some republican based adds in the newspaper and want a $300-500 dollar donation.

Once I heard that I just told the guy that this was very deceitful and a lot of the problem and hung up.

Just more of pat to play!
If you want to be heard write letters to your congressman and senators. It takes multiple letters 3 or 4, you will be ignored the 1st and possibly second.
Don't stop there, write all the congressmen of your state, and if your really ambitious start writing the congressmen sitting on the committees with the bills your interested in.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.
Those email addresses are the gov form email, and so far I haven't received anything more than a form letter type reply. As I said the day of the house "cap n trade" vote I emailed about 30 congressmen, and then the form email site was shut down preventing us little tiny non important voters from contacting our representatives about their vote on "Cap n Trade".
I actually spoke with congressman Gilmore, and he noted the reality of email.

They basically review it to see if you are for or against something and keep a tally.

If you actually write a letter and fax or use regular mail it counts for more.

If you call and explain your views in a rational way it counts for more yet.
I have taken the time to put all the known fax numbers and known email addresses into a spread sheet. I currently don't use voice over internet phone, but am researching how to do this for free. The goal is to broadcast a fax to every congressman/senator. If I get this figured out, then I have more plans but first step is getting the free fax setup.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Control health care of a nation; you control the people of the nation. Is it reasonable that the government today has refused the pay back of Tarp by several companies that have offered to pay back the tax payers. Hmmm! What is the motivation to remain nationalized for those that can and have offered to repay? Regulate yes, of course, within reason and safety, but to continue to hold ownership as a government? In this country? What is the motivation? HMMMM!

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Be informed and prepared to vote. Be vigilant on your watch. Do not expect the fox to lock the chicken house door and loose his meal ticket.



Note: you may have to try 2 or 3 times sometimes page doesn't load.

This video originally was sourced by a liberal group for their message,
however I thought it captures what we can expect from those that
keep trying to tell you Big Government is you friend.
I think the current, and the 3 previous Presidents have demonstrated Goverment large or small is not your friend.

Then again, in a country of 300 million people, you can't keep 'em all happy.
I'm in SC and I email my delegation all the time and hear from all but one.
Read a bill before you vote on it? On the recent Cap and Trade deal, I'm not sure it existed in it's final form when it was voted on. I heard that at the time of the actual vote there were a bunch of blanks that were filled in later. The implications of that are truly scary.

On Health Care in general....they say that only 1 in 6 Americans don't have health insurance. They get treatments, they just don't have insurance to pay for it. If true, that means about 85% of the country has access to the finest health care in the world (which btw, falls under the category of goods and services.....not a "Right"). Why would you want to wreck and destroy a system that leads the world in innovation, research and cutting edge technologies? I'll be the first to admit there are inequities and problems, but fix what we have. Do not try to build a worse mousetrap.

For an analogy in another industry, forget your Buick, Lexus or Escalade. Not fair that you get to drive those when I don't even have a car. Everybody gets a Pinto and will like it! Then there is food. Is it fair that you get steak and lobster and I don't? How about we all get red beans and rice ( meat) and like it!

So why the push on Health Care? Anybody see in the news about the proposed Fat Tax? Anybody looked at the fat content in a piece of sausage or a smoked pork butt? A cynic could look at some of these proposals and see a mechanism to gain control of lifestyles. Who gets to decide on what's healthy and what's not? PETA hasn't been too successful in getting us converted to granola and tofu (and hogs and chickens out of confinement barns and cattle out of feed yards), but give them this weapon and look out. Remember the Endangered Species Act? Not about Spotted Owls at all. It was putting and end to logging. The species are simply a back door mechanism to enact a social agenda they can't get through a straight up vote.
BTW, about 20 years ago, I ventured in to the political arena to help lobby for some industry regulation. I bumped into my State Representative at a charity fund raising event, so I asked him for his support.

His reply (given freely due to the influence of alcohol) was "there has never been piece of legislation passed in the State of Missouri based on it's merit". He went on to say, it was all about politics. He was on one side (which one doesn't matter) and the Governor was on the other. He told me if the Governor was for it, he was against it and it didn't matter to him what it was. When viewed in that context, you see things in a different light. You also see parallels in government anywhere you look.

They don't listen to you (Senator Spector is the poster child for this), they listen to party bosses.

It's also about money. You want my vote, I need your support (read money). have the worst government money can buy.
Keep me posted when you figure it out. I am interested. DON'T forget me
I don't know that 85% of folks having access to health care is accurate, but I don't know if it's inaccurate either. I don't have time now, but I'll bet if I search the web, I could find much better, and much worse statistics from very official and informed sounding web sites.

What I DO know is that I am Mr. Middle class American. My health insurance premiums have gone through the roof. Out of the past 7 years, all but 2 gave me higher premium costs, while at the same time giving me higher deductables. I can see in a few years where my employer won't be able to help much at all. By then, I have to wonder if I could afford insurance. I don't know if President Obama has the right solution or not. My gut feeling is no. On the other hand, I'm embarrassed and ashamed that working folks with 2 jobs can't afford healthcare. It just isn't right.

If those Ba@@@@ds in Washington would just stop playing games, and get to work, we could fix this mess. We've done almost nothing about this for years, now we have this boondoggle. Maybe it will be better than nothing (??) But why can't we just do it right for once?

SOAPBOX Mode>>>>>> off
I received this email this morning. It's pretty freaking shocking. Please read through this and then PLEEEEAAAASE listen to the link at the end with the Fred Thompson interview. It's only 8 minutes long.

Page 425 of Health Care BILL

[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']O.K. folks - I 'think' this will 'shake us up' - read and listen to the Interview - "IF" this does not cause every red-blooded American to contact their Representative, I don't know what will!! It's time for ACTION! Americans!! Both Democrats and Republicans beware.[/font]

[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif'](If this doesn't make your blood boil........... nothing will!!)[/font]

[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Page 425 of Health Care Bill - Listen to this interview Fred Thompson's Radio Show interviewing Betsy McCaughey (pronounced Mc Coy). [/font]

[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']On page 425 it says in black and white that EVERYONE on Social Security, (will include all Senior Citizens and SSI people) will go to MANDATORY counseling every 5 years to learn and to choose from ways to end your suffering (and your life). Health care will be denied based on age. 500 Billion will be cut from Seniors healthcare.[/font][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] The only way for that to happen is to drastically cut health care, the oldest and the sickest will be cut first.[/font][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] Paying for your own care will not be an option.[/font]

[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Now, CALL YOUR PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell them to read page 425 if they don't read anything else. Surely [/font][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']some of themhave parents.[/font]

"ON PAGE 425 OF OBAMA[FONT='Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif']�[/font]S HEALTH CARE BILL, the Federal Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session every 5 years with the objective being that they will explain to them just how to end their own life earlier. Yes...They are going to push SUICIDE to cut medicare spending!"

Fred Thompson: Interviews

(BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE ABOVE LINE and listen all the way through, for the ending will shock you as well.)
A google search will render convincing (to me anyway) evidence that the email is nothing but Blarney. Just like almost any email you get intended to "wake us up."

Interview was interesting.
Big Steve:

The number I hear a lot is 40 million who don't have health insurance (they used to call it medical insurance). With roughly 300 million of us, that comes to just under 15%.

Lost in all this talk is what we expect someone to pay. We want the best, and we want somebody else to pay for it. Nice to only have to pay $20 for an office visit or $5 co-pay for a script. But does that cover it all? No it doesn't.

BTW, Insurance (any type) is defined as a social mechanism to transfer risk. Risk of what? In most cases, a big number you can't handle. Most of us accept maintenance expenses on our cars for tires, oil changes, etc. and insure against the big loss of a wreck or worse, damage we cause that results in big liability claims what would wipe us out. But when it comes to health care, somehow we expect all the maintenance stuff to be paid for by our insurance....or the government. See above.

Lost in all the government options is the fact that the government doesn't have any money. They have the ability to tax or borrow (some say print, but that is also borrowing). In every case they have tried it, they have failed. Medicare and Medicad are bankrupting the country. I don't know anybody who looks to the VA as a model of what to do....(not a knock on the folks who work for the VA....just the system they are forced to work under).

First place to cut health care costs is to realize what insurance is and insure against some catastrophic loss that would bankrupt us if it happened. Pay for the office visits and scripts out of pocket to a point. Believe it or not, high deductables are your friend. Otherwise, you are just making transfer payments. You pay the insurance company and they pay the doc.....if you get sick. If not, they keep the money. Much better for you to fund a health insurance account that pays those up to a certain level and if you don't get sick, you skip payments and keep the rest. When the payments reach a certain amount, deductables kick in.

Next step is to severely curtail medical malpractice claims. Ever wonder how much liability there is out there? Imagine going into business making and selling smoked sausage to your friends. Not giving it away....but selling it......just to cover your costs. Imagine what would happen if even one person eating that stuff got sick. You didn't intend to, but it happened. Pretty good chance you would be completely wiped out. That risk even applies to medical professionals who render first aid. I've watched docs step away when a person gets hurt at social events due to the liability exposure. States have had to pass "Good Samaritan" laws to slow down (not can still be sued) lawsuits to docs and even common folks who try to help but end up doing more harm than good. Let the peers in the profession deal with mistakes and keep the lawyers out of it. If the docs are really bad, pull their license. No golden ticket for lucky guy who got sick (or his lawyer who took 50% off the top) but problem solved.

Again, lots of ways to fix things.....other than what is being proposed....which we may find out is NOT what it's being made out to be. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.