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Meat Mopper
Original poster
May 5, 2011
Pflugerville, Tx
Howdy all!!

I'm new to the forum and new to smoking.  I've always done fairly well with a grill, both gas and charcoal, and wanted to get into smoking.  Went out and bought a Traeger Lil Tex Elite, 3 weeks ago, and immediately fell in love. 

Started out with ribs, which came out good enough but with room for improvement.  That improvement came about on my 2nd go around last weekend!  Did some chicken, steaks, pork sirloins, and a brisket.  Everything has been tasty.  Started lurking around on the forum after only a few days to look for tips and hint (which I found...thanks btw).  Now I have a list of more things I want to try.

Everytime I've fired it up (except for the steak night) I've loaded the smoker up to get extra for the freezer.  The wife used one of the pork sirloins to make fried rice, and it was the best fried rice she ever made!!

I was a little nervous about trying a brisket, but my wife wanted one, so gave it a try last week using some of the tips I found here.

Rubbed it 24 hrs before, started it @ midnight on 180 and left until IT was 170 (12hrs almost to the minute), then into a foil pan with 16oz of 50/50 mix apple juice/water, and turned temp up to 225, pulled it out at IT of 200 (2hrs later), and let rest over night (6 hrs wrapped in towels, then uncovered until cool enough to refrigerate.  Cut it up for dinner the next night!  It was heavenly, definitely the best thing I've ever done on any grill!

Anyways, I'll be mostly lurking around, and maybe putting 2 cents in here and there until I get a little more familiar with what I'm doing.  Just figured I better sign in here, "before" I have an emergency question
But as they will tell ya.  


This site has tons of info.

I would suggest you spend some time reading all the different forums and the WIKIs.

Then use the handy dandy search tool for specific interests!!

Have a great day!!!

Welcome to the SMF. Glad to have you here. Lots of good folks, great recipes and knowledge. Looking forward to your first qview.

Welcome to SMF, Glad to have you with us.

This is the place to learn, lots of good info and helpful friendly Members.

Many of our members have years of experience in smoking meat.  They are more than happy helping Newbies learn the art.

We have members who cure there own Bacon, Hams, Jerky, Snack Sticks, Make Their own Sausage, etc. if you want to learn,
this is the place. 

Don't be afraid to ask questions of them and follow their advice. You won't be sorry, you will be making great Q in no time at all...

Just remember, when curing your own meats follow the instructions included with the cure to the letter, this is not something to experiment with.  

Never use more cure no mater if it is Tender Quick or Cure #1 or Cure #2 than the manufacturer says to use, this can be very dangerous.

Tender Quick and Cure#1 or Cure #2 are not interchangeable, neither Cure #1 interchangeable with Cure #2 or vise versa

Tips For New Members.
  1. Go into your profile and Under Location put where you are.
  2. City & State or Area & State will do. This will help members when answering your questions.
  3. Go to ROLL CALL thread and tell us a little about Yourself (A Name We Can Call You) and Experience & Equipment.
  4. Do Not Post  your other questions and smokes in the Roll Call Forum.
  5. Post your questions and smokes in the Proper Forum, Beef, Pork, Sausage, Electric Smoker, Charcoal Smoker etc.
  6. Use the Wiki Section, many of our members have posted great tutorials and instructional threads so take advantage of them.
  7. When you can't find an answer ask plenty of questions, we have some highly experienced members willing to help you.
  8. When posting about your smokes be sure to post plenty of Qview (Pictures) Our Moto, "No Pics, Didn't Happen".
  9. Get a good Probe Thermometer, Don't Depend on the Built in Thermometer in your Smoker (They are notorious for being off).
  10. A good choice for a remote dual probe thermometer is the Maverick ET-732
  11. Remember, We Always Cook by Temperature and NOT BY TIME...
  12. Sign up for Jeff's 5-Day eCourse.  Click Here
  13. Don't Take Chances, Always Follow USDA Safety Guidelines When Handling Meat.

  14. If you are wanting to get into curing meat, there are many members here more than happy to help and give good advice.

  15. If you are unsure of a procedure ASK, don't ASSUME, It will make your Smoking experience much more pleasant... is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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