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  1. meatallica

    My first competition this weekend

    Congrats BG!! Sandpiper Supper Club sounds REAL to me. Got a top 10 to prove it! We all have fun with it.. my girlfriend and I call ourselves Possum Park BBQ, when we entertain friends and family. We had half dozen shirts made up too. I even had to pay a copyright fee just to use the dead possum.
  2. meatallica

    In light of the greatest song ever recorded thread ....

    1982 Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast. Changed my life:emoji_metal:
  3. meatallica

    Pot roast. Soooo good!!!

    Found this recipe. Venison in my 7qt Dutchie now.!! Wow!! Smells amazing in here.
  4. meatallica

    Looking for Humphrey Cabinet Smoker

    Congrats! Welcome to the Humphrey's clan
  5. meatallica

    Simple Rib Sammich

    Nice Preacher!! I'm smoking a rack of ribs today. I think my dinner ideas just took a detour!!
  6. meatallica

    26" Kettle or 22"WSM

    26" all the way
  7. meatallica

    BEEF CHEEKS (I love polls)

  8. meatallica

    BEEF CHEEKS (I love polls)

    I smoked them in the Humphreys for about 5 hours then I take them out let them cool and Vac- seal for a couple days. Into the crock pot with some better than bouillon liquid and shred for tacos
  9. meatallica

    BEEF CHEEKS (I love polls)

    Love beef cheeks!!
  10. meatallica

    What are you smoking for Christmas supper?

    My brother and his GF are coming up from Annapolis on Sat. There will be 6 of us total. 2- 12lb packer briskets in the Humphreys and spiral sliced Honey Baked Ham ( knockoff recipe.. but I can do it just as good as they do, and save money)
  11. meatallica

    Good Morning from Delaware

    Welcome... from a fellow Delawarean!! Newark here
  12. meatallica

    Avatars and Usernames

    My name pays homage to my love of meat and Metal.. I'd name the band, but douchey Lars would probably sue me.. I jest Avatar is a birthday dinner I cooked for myself
  13. meatallica

    First Brisket(Q View)

    Fine looking brisky!! Congratsx2 doing it on the OK Joe!!
  14. meatallica

    How is the meat supply in your area?

    RD in Wilmington, DE. Pretty thin when I was in there 5/01
  15. meatallica

    Humphreys Long Weekender

    Maiden voyage... Seasoning with beef cheeks and beef ribs!! Got 10 hr burn from 8-10 lbs of RO briq. Enough left to go prolly 2 more hours.. I'm happy with that. REAL impressed with the seasonng left over from the beef fat!!!
  16. meatallica

    Humphreys Long Weekender

    Finally arrived yesterday!! She's a beauty!! Gonna wipe inside down with some soapy water on Saturday, dry it, then season it. I was gonna use either peanut oil or Crisco.. Any thoughts, preferences ??
  17. meatallica

    Humphreys Long Weekender

    Haven't been on the forum in a while. Life has had me busy for the last 6 months. Anyway, with all the Covid-19, social distancing and just basic quarantining from everyone else has me looking for something to occupy my time. Well, I've upgraded to a Humphreys vertical cabinet smoker.. they...
  18. meatallica

    2nd Brisket Success!

    Paying homage to my 2 fav things- food and Heavy Metal